Is 'The Contest' the greatest sitcom episode of all time?

Seinfeld season 4 ep. 11

'Jerry challenges George, Kramer and Elaine to pool their money in a contest of self-denial. Meanwhile, an excited Elaine looks forward to her date with hunky John Kennedy, Jr, and a guilt-ridden George gets an eyeful when he visits his whining mother in the hospital.'

It's early enough in the series before 'glamorous elaine' and Kramer became a caricature of himself.

Live audience also enhances the best moments.
Just magnificent.
I like how Seinfeld had continuity.

I don't know if it's the greatest (I maybe prefer "The Opposite" s5e22), but one of the best for sure. Only Larry could pull off something like that. He made an entire episode about masturbation and not once did they mention anything sexual at all. Amazing.
The opposite is a great choice. Anything focusing on George is aces.
That's all it took ? Darn , if only I found out earlier...
don't celebrate yet. in his book you are also an organ donor

does simpsons count as a sitcom if so than no the contest is not the best
Seinfeld season 4 ep. 11

'Jerry challenges George, Kramer and Elaine to pool their money in a contest of self-denial. Meanwhile, an excited Elaine looks forward to her date with hunky John Kennedy, Jr, and a guilt-ridden George gets an eyeful when he visits his whining mother in the hospital.'

It's early enough in the series before 'glamorous elaine' and Kramer became a caricature of himself.

Live audience also enhances the best moments.
Just magnificent.
Yes I think it's the sitcom episode of all time.
I know I'm gonna get killed for this but the Robin Sparkles episode of How I Met Your Mother might be my favorite sit com episode. You'd have to live in Canada in the 90s to get how accurate it was though.

Watching this now it's actually depressing how beautiful Colbie Smulders was and what she turned into.
Community had better episodes, my memory isn’t fresh but probably the Modern Warfare episode of the top of my head was better than any Seinfeld one.

I watched a lot of sitcoms growing up, reruns of old shows that they would broadcast on cable when I lived in Mexico. Seinfeld was definitely one of the most enjoyable ones.

I appreciated the interwoven storylines that showed a level of writing and attention to detail a mark above the average.

But Community had some insanely intricate storyboards in a lot of their Episodes.

Ironic that for as popular Rick And Morty got Community is a much better and more intelligent show.
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Community had better episodes, my memory isn’t fresh but probably the Modern Warfare episode of the top of my head was better than any Seinfeld one.

I watched a lot of sitcoms growing up, reruns of old shows that they would broadcast on cable when I lived in Mexico. Seinfeld was definitely one of the most enjoyable ones.

How many years did you live in Mexico sir?
What age?

Do you miss it?
What was better what was worse?

Sorry, just curious lol
I felt like it was more realistic, maybe because how it was shot.
Larry plays Larry better than Seinfeld does if that makes sense.
Larry is george, so really if you wanna think about it like that curb is Costanza not Seinfeld
Jerry is closer to Richard Lewis in Curb but that takes away a lot of Jerry's contributions to the show
Community had better episodes, my memory isn’t fresh but probably the Modern Warfare episode of the top of my head was better than any Seinfeld one.

I watched a lot of sitcoms growing up, reruns of old shows that they would broadcast on cable when I lived in Mexico. Seinfeld was definitely one of the most enjoyable ones.

I appreciated the interwoven storylines that showed a level of writing and attention to detail a mark above the average.

But Community had some insanely intricate storyboards in a lot of their Episodes.
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Ironic that for as popular Rick And Morty got Community is a much better and more intelligent show.
Community was amazing
my favorite might be pillows and blankets but there were some crazy good stuff before the gas leak season and Troy departing the show
not that it was bad but it just wasn't what it once was
How many years did you live in Mexico sir?
What age?

Do you miss it?
What was better what was worse?

Sorry, just curious lol

I was born in the US but my parents moved back to Mexico when I was 6 months old, and I moved back to the US when I was 17.

Don’t really miss it much.

It wasn’t a huge difference since I lived close to the border and could come visit the US on the weekends or what have you.
Movies would take longer to hit the theaters, I’d have to cross the border to buy the latest videogames or electronics.

Late night food was better.
I liked that it was a bigger city than the small Texas town I’m now at. I liked those vibes.
The houses are constructed better. Solid bricks.

Public safety got worse by the time I moved over here, there started to be some cartel wars that would lead to heavy firefights. Mostly on the outskirts and it was uncommon for innocent bystanders to be killed or injured but it was still annoying to keep your head on a swivel and nerve wracking for some.
I was born in the US but my parents moved back to Mexico when I was 6 months old, and I moved back to the US when I was 17.

Don’t really miss it much.

It wasn’t a huge difference since I lived close to the border and could come visit the US on the weekends or what have you.
Movies would take longer to hit the theaters, I’d have to cross the border to buy the latest videogames or electronics.

Late night food was better.
I liked that it was a bigger city than the small Texas town I’m now at. I liked those vibes.
The houses are constructed better. Solid bricks.

Public safety got worse by the time I moved over here, there started to be some cartel wars that would lead to heavy firefights. Mostly on the outskirts and it was uncommon for innocent bystanders to be killed or injured but it was still annoying to keep your head on a swivel and nerve wracking for some.

Thanks for answering me sir, I fully appreciate it.

Do you think you'd miss it more had you moved to Massachusetts or Maine because it would be so far from the border?