Is Pereira more talented than Adesanya or just a bad matchup?

izzy turns into a panic wrestler against fighters his own size
Own size? Izzy is small, long and skinny as hell. Costa is bigger than everyone in the MW division and Izzy murdered him. Izzy is one of the smallest MW's on the roster. Height does not equate to size.
Thats not true. Izzy's cut to MW is extremely easy. Isn't he reportedly like 198 in the cage?
This is probably the only time in history I have ever agreed with anything you say. But they are clearly exaggerating about Izzy's size.
Good luck trying to convince anybody in these boards that you understand more than me about this sport.

Give it a try to Age of Empires. You are an embarrasment on here

There is always that one fighter that is like Kryptonite to another. Alex is Izzy kryptonite. You find that with some fighters, they can't beat a particular person but can beat everyone else.

Frankie Edgar and BJ Penn is an example of this when they fought twice and Frankie won twice.

I think when this rematch happens I wouldn't be surprised if Izzy loses as Alex has that mental edge and will make adjustments for the rematch.
BJ was his own kryptonite more than anything during that trilogy.

He won the first 3 rounds of their first fight, very clearly looked like the all around better fighter. He won on the feet, neutralized his wrestling and grappling without much effort then he gassed in the 4th and 5th

This was right after he left marinovich.

and I don't think anyone knows what version of BJ showed up for the second fight.

Love BJ and Frankie but BJ was definitely his own worst enemy more than anything.
This is probably the only time in history I have ever agreed with anything you say. But they are clearly exaggerating about Izzy's size.

Izzy is average sized for a MW. Long but lanky. Definitely not one of the smallest though
Anderson was actually a bit smaller, despite the massive nerd you were replying pushes the narrative that Silva was a huge MW
Izzy is average sized for a MW. Long but lanky. Definitely not one of the smallest though
Anderson was actually a bit smaller, despite the massive nerd you were replying pushes the narrative that Silva was a huge MW

Silva was 205 at MW in his prime. Coming from Soares' mouth. You keep bullshitting that Silva was a small MW just because you have an agenda.
Styles make fights Pereira has the perfect style to beat Izzy. As an mma fighter tho Izzy has shown more talent he's beaten the who who of mw, but you could also say Robert Whittaker is more talented than Izzy but izzy is just the perfect style to beat him.
I don't think this question can really be answered in respect to MMA until Alex fights some guys who can wrestle. If he can use his footwork to stay on his feet and beat grapplers, we can say he's better at MMA.

I don't think there's any question that Alex was the better kickboxer.
Styles make fights Pereira has the perfect style to beat Izzy. As an mma fighter tho Izzy has shown more talent he's beaten the who who of mw, but you could also say Robert Whittaker is more talented than Izzy but izzy is just the perfect style to beat him.

Is his style really the perfect to beat him? He was losing. The power is what won the day. His style was getting beat round after round

It’s like saying Francis’s style is too hard to beat, that don’t make no sense. It’s the power
Is his style really the perfect to beat him? He was losing. The power is what won the day. His style was getting beat round after round

It’s like saying Francis’s style is too hard to beat, that don’t make no sense. It’s the power

I get you're bitter izzy lost but this is a joke. Alex won all 3 fights. 2 with an empathic finish.
Counting rounds is for children. What happened in those rounds? 1st alex was ahead with seconds to go and izzy landed a perfect shot or two to steal it. Second alex got out way ahead. Third izzy had to abandon his own style to try and exploit alex's weaknesses.
So yeah alex's style is perfect for beating izzy's style, it's not easy izzy is an exceptional fighter but he couldn't fight his fight against alex.

Power is a mix of training and athletism like any other skill in combat sports, fauning over great movement or hand speed while saying stuff like 'it's just power' really is laughable these guys put in years of hard work to have power.
It’s a bad matchup.
He can’t put Pereira away.
He is forced to have more output in this fight than other fights.
He can’t control the pace.
He has to stop the pressure with volume.
He didn’t have to do that with other opponents.
Izzy also gassed out.
if they both gass out the power difference will be decisive.
Izzy doesn’t have the wrestling to stop the pressure.

He will loose again if they fight.

The UFC has a problem. If they do a rematch and Izzy loses. his name is gone.
If they don’t do the rematch they will loose an opportunity to make this huge money fight. Whitaker will beat Alex. The fight can’t happen then.

izzy can loose all his ‘legacy’ if he gets beaten a second time.
Doesn't tell the story of any of the fights.

Izzy is the better striker by quite a margin. Has clowned on alex in both the last 2 occasions.

Alex equalises with chin and power though.

Also the guys 230 lb in the fight. Is bigger than Reyes. Izzy is a small MW.
Clowned on Alex <Lmaoo><45><Lmaoo>

People said this forum would be hilarious when Izzy beats Pereira, but it's actually been brilliant the other way round. So much salt.

People dismissing or playing down what AP has done because he is just bigger, taller or more powerful yet don't have the same issues with Izzy being abnormally taller and an abnormally longer reach than anyone else in the division. Until now.
Hate to break it to you, but size = weight. Divisions are done on weight, not height.

Izzy is a small MW - he usually weighs in at 184 and has a minimal weight cut.
He is tall and rangy, which, well how do I not insult you here? its confuses people ;)

He's just skilled at using his abilities. And has had to work on his weaknesses (skinny kickboxer, just take him down) hence has worked on building pretty good wrestling defense.
Izzy is a small middleweight. Wow. Just wow.
Clowned on Alex <Lmaoo><45><Lmaoo>

People said this forum would be hilarious when Izzy beats Pereira, but it's actually been brilliant the other way round. So much salt.

People dismissing or playing down what AP has done because he is just bigger, taller or more powerful yet don't have the same issues with Izzy being abnormally taller and an abnormally longer reach than anyone else in the division. Until now.

You're 10, steps behind in basic understanding of very basic mma principles.

Need I remind you again, weight divisions are done on weight. Not height and reach. Size has much more to do with mass than height. This is very basic stuff. How you do not understand is typical of the average shertard poster. A casual fan who is largely clueless to the sport. Which you 100% are because you don't understand or comprehend the following facts:

Izzy is a small middleweight. He wasn't even 200lb in there vs Alex. He also happens to be tall though. This simple fact is enough to confuse low IQ "fans" like yourself, because you can't reconcile being tall and lightweight (small) at the same time. Which to someone with half a brain would think well that person has to be skinny. And guess what Israel is?
This gives inherent disadvantages (ie not physically strong, vulnerable to wrestling) which izzy has worked on very hard.

Alex on the other hand is big. He was rumoured to be close to 230lb. That is big. He is taller than izzy. And vastly thicker.

Alex is bigger than Reyes. Put izzy in that's picture yes he is tall - probably in between the two. But he's smaller - he weighs considerably less.

Having to explain weight & mass to you and how it relates to size and height is of no surpirse to me. This forum is full of clueless people who can't objectively evaluate anything, who can't think, can't analyze- are basically braindead. This is what you are my friend. Your brain shows no pulse.

So don't pretend you know anything about this sport when you get confused by something as basic as size / mass vs height & weight.

I think he's just a bad matchup and wouldn't do as well as Izzy did against Costa, Romero, and Whitaker. Even Vettori might be able to grapple him to a win.