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Is Jackie Chan The Most Fearless Guy On The Planet?


Ominous Flesh Discipline
Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2012
Reaction score
The man does all of his stunts. It's ridiculous how fearless he is, look at some of these:

I'd say the individuals who Free Solo climb. They go up mountains without any safety devices whatsoever. One slip and its all over
I'd say the individuals who Free Solo climb. They go up mountains without any safety devices whatsoever. One slip and its all over

Jackie jumps from rooftops to rooftops with no safety devices, he jumps from buildings on to moving helicopters over cities with NO SAFTEY DEVICES. He also does them more than once to make sure its perfect.
Definitely on of the best ever.
Like the voice in the clip said, "Jackie Chan is the KING of action heroes!!"
Fuck ya he is one of the greatest ever.
The video where he trained a catfish to do tricks proves it. A true bad ass mother fucker.
Cool video
I'd say the individuals who Free Solo climb. They go up mountains without any safety devices whatsoever. One slip and its all over

Decent comparison, though I'd say what Chan did was quite a bit more dangerous, since he was doing things closer to his own limits than what most solo climbers do.
Decent comparison, though I'd say what Chan did was quite a bit more dangerous, since he was doing things closer to his own limits than what most solo climbers do.
I figured. I know the majority of free solo climbers get into the zone and are easily able to do what they do with minimal error.

I've seen some bloopers of Jackies and damn he has fucked up a few times and injured himself
I figured. I know the majority of free solo climbers get into the zone and are easily able to do what they do with minimal error.

I've seen some bloopers of Jackies and damn he has fucked up a few times and injured himself

That's the best part of his movies imo, and I love his movies. Holy shit that poor dude takes a beating.
Jackie jumps from rooftops to rooftops with no safety devices, he jumps from buildings on to moving helicopters over cities with NO SAFTEY DEVICES. He also does them more than once to make sure its perfect.

Sorry I agree with the previous poster. When performing most stunts if you screw up you get injured, in rock or mountain climbing a mistake is almost guarenteed death. I'd also say the guys on Jackass are probably just as if not more fearless then Jackie Chan. Not to dog on the guy it's just the fearless man on the planet are pretty big shoes to fill.

Sorry I agree with the previous poster. When performing most stunts if you screw up you get injured, in rock or mountain climbing a mistake is almost guarenteed death. I'd also say the guys on Jackass are probably just as if not more fearless then Jackie Chan. Not to dog on the guy it's just the fearless man on the planet are pretty big shoes to fill.


some would say the fear of paralysis is greater than the fear of death...
I've seen some bloopers of Jackies and damn he has fucked up a few times and injured himself

He actually did fuck his knee/ankle up pretty bad near the end of Rumble in the Bronx in the hovercraft scene and just kept trucking after they put the brace on.
I don't believe for a second he does the stunts without safety devices. There are nets involved if nothing else, I doubt his life has ever been in danger.
A movie star the most fearless?

Not to insult Jackie Chan but I think real fighters are more fearless, especially these guys:

Comes at a price.

Armour of God II: Operation Condor.The Accidental Spy

Hurt his back. Doctor said that if he had another back injury that he could be paralyzed for life.
The floor was slippery in the Turkish Bath scene and he fell, hitting his head.

Armour of God

He was filming in Yugoslavia and the scene called for him to jump from a wall to a tree branch. The first take went perfectly, but Jackie wasn't satisfied and wanted to do the scene again. The second time, His grip on the branch slipped and he fell 40 feet to the ground below and landed hard on his head causing part of his skull to crack and shoot up into his brain. He was flowen to the hospital and was in surgery 8 hours later. He now has a plastic plug and a permanent hole in his head. He is also slightly hard of hearing in one ear from the fall.

Armour of God II (AKA Operation Condor)

Dislocated sternum after falling from a handing chain.
A wire went through his leg.
Bruises and cuts on his chest from repeatedly being kicked in chest 43 times for one scene.

City Hunter

Hurt Knees really bad during a skateboard chase. Also hurt his leg and had to spend time in a wheelchair and on crutches.
Dislocated shoulder.
Broke top part of foot.

Crime Story

His legs got crushed between two cars.

Dragon Fist

Broken nose.

Dragon Lord

Injured chin.
Fell from the bun tower and hit his head. Got a big bruise.

Dragons Forever

Hurt ankle.

Drunken Master

His brow ridge was injured and he almost lost an eye.
Suffered concussion.

Drunken Master II

Burned butt, hands and face.
Back injured when he was kicked onto a table.
Hurt nose when he and Ken Lo bumped heads.

Hand of Death

He was knocked unconscious as a stuntman.

Highbinders (Renamed The Medallion)

He got whipped by a broken stunt wire. A large cut between his nose and left eye.
While shooting a scene for the US version, he burned his hands and some of his hair.

Magnificent Bodyguards

Broken hip.

Miracles (Mr. Canton and Lady Rose)

Got a piece of bamboo between his eye and eyebrow.
Got a small gash on his brow from a misdirected ax handle.
Also, a crew member died (props) from falling off one of the set's buildings.

Mr. Nice Guy

Broke nose.
Messed up on a flip and hurt his neck.

Police Story

Dislocated pelvis during the pole slide stunt.
Was almost paralyzed when he nearly broke his 7th and 8th vertebrae in his spine.
Burned all the skin off of his hands and suffered 3rd degree burns on them during the pole slide stunt.

Police Story 2

Head Injury while crashing through a billboard and glass window (He jumped through the wrong billboard).
Accidentally knocked over by a van sprawling him 10 feet.
Cut on arm.
Hurt eye when pop-it went off near it.
Cut by glass at least twice on scalp and various other places.

Police Story 3: Supercop

Broken shoulder.
Fractured a rib when hit by a helicopter.
Deep bruise on back.
Cheek bone dislocated.

Police Story 4: First Strike

Almost died of hypothermia.
Split upper lip.
Cut finger.

Project A

Broke nose.
Worst neck injury occurred during the clocktower fall.
Broke finger.
During the brawl in the pub, he jumped over a chair and grazed his back badly.
Lost tooth or knocked one loose when he feel down a staircase.

The Protector

Hurt hand and broken finger bones.

Rumble in the Bronx

Broke ankle while jumping onto hovercraft. Was supposed to stay off feet until it healed, but instead he put on a sock painted like a sneaker and continued filming.
Also got ran over wrong by the hovercraft.

Rush Hour

Hurt his back when he landed wrong.

Rush Hour 2

Broke previously broken toe on right foot. He popped it back into place and continued to film!

Shanghai Knights

Small scratch on left of face from a spear.
Bruised his throat and it swelled, making talking difficult.

Snake in the Eagle's Shadow

A tooth was kicked out on accident by Hwang Jang Lee.
Arm got slashed by a sword that was supposed to have a blunted edge. Jackie fell down screaming and the cameras kept on rolling, Real blood in the scene!


Eyebrows were burned from standing too close to an explosion.
Hurt his back after a fall from the container port.
Cracked bone in his hip.

The Tuxedo

Got a small cut on forehead.
Sprained ankle.

The Twin Dragons

Got Glass Shards lodged in his butt.

The Twins Effect

He just had a cameo, but almost got his leg ran over!

The Young Master

Broken nose.
Injured throat and almost suffocated.
Yes, he is. It's scientifically proven.
I don't believe for a second he does the stunts without safety devices. There are nets involved if nothing else, I doubt his life has ever been in danger.

Then you clearly know nothing about him, nor the differences between American and HK stuntmen lol.

A lot of his stunts are shot in one long take, explicitly to show that there are no protective nets or gear being used. His injuries have also been thoroughly documented, as one poster has already listed. He has nearly died several times in performing his stunts.
In terms of Hollywood sure.

In real life I would put Special Op guys and people who go undercover in the police and CIA types to be more fearless