Relationship Is it mighty cold where you live?

Stupid cold, Did some -14 shit
Still had snow on the ground; kids missed a bunch of school.
Its been -3 here on the UK South Coast the last week, so nothing by comparison, but certainly very cold for us. The challenge we have is new build houses are designed to keep the heat in so in the Summers its roasting as we don't typically have Aircon. Older houses (like ours) take a good while to heat up usually so unless you have the heating on through the night its like waking up in a meat locker!
4 degrees celsius, atm. Yes, it's cold.
-3°C right now, so not that bad.
For a couple years used to do irrigation canal surveying in Southern Alberta , it get's windy in that open country and when it's -30 and windy you get frostbite on the face in about 90 seconds , just patches start showing up and that is a sign to get out of the wind quickly .

Those felt face masks work but the one i had was too warm unless you were keeping still , but you aren't keeping still in those temperatures, gotta keep the blood moving to your feet and hands . It's hard to beat what the native people wore to keep warm and the good sense not to leave warm shelter when unsafe.
Mid 70s right now. Just took my dogs for a walk I'm sweating
I live in NY,historically we have cold winters but the last few yrs its not been that bad. It is quite cold now though.

And yes ive been to much harsher places in the winter like Iceland,Sweden and Canada,so I do know what cold is hahaha
So cold the snow on the street disappears. So cold the snot in your nose freezes. When I was a kid they used to call school off because it was so cold. Tards scream about global warming, you need to worry about global freezing. So cold if you stay out in in with exposed skin it will get frostbite. I’d take sunburn any day over your skin turning black and dying
I almost got frostbite in Quebec one time cos my dumbass didnt have gloves and tried to use my cellphone for a min or two. My exposed hands were all fucked up and I had to shove em in my pockets for two hrs before they got normal again.
I just look forward to next week 40's to 50's in Massachusetts. Cold now but will break like winters are becoming more an more alike. Two snow storms last six months. Tons of rain though.
Australia is fucked in summer. Cold is so much easier to deal with
Polar Vortex is kicking my ass. We had 0 degree weather until last week.

Currently -15 without the chill. Still rolling with the punches though.
Currently 38F but feels like 28F with the wind chill.

I'm in Nebraska and we hit a wind chill of -40 very early in the week. It's been hovering around the teens during the day and 0 at night. No idea why I live here.