Is it disrespectful/bad to train at 2 different schools at the same time?

You should beware only if you are training in rival schools...for instance in Brazil you
you should probably put it out in the open to begin with.
Absolutely make sure you tell both instructors. It is unlikely either'd have any problems with it, but if you dont tell them it'll create the impression you're "going behind their backs" and being dishonest.

Just be up front. For competitions it is up to you where you feel your loyalties lie.
There are some teachers that might get pissed about it because you will be like a spy. Is the other school (20min) taught by a black belt?
muerteverde said:
It is bjj so that might be diferent. Just ask the instructors. I am doing judo now and we have had a lot of lectures about lyalty to the master. He has told a story twice now about a Japanese master who threw his best student in a lake when he found out he competed without permision, and the student stayed in the lake for 8 days until he was forgivn. Our sensie tells us that if some big shot famous judoka comes to town and we want to go see him, w cannot without permision. Training else where, competing without his permision or seeing other instructors is all prohibitted and we will be banned from the team if we do them. A couple guys already got kicked out. Teaching judo is his only joba nd goes around and visits the other acadmies when he not teaching to make sure he doesn't see any of us there.

Jealous lovers are insecure lovers, and usually their insecurity is well-founded.
Its politics. Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. Yeah, sure its your money but really comes down to loyalty. I say explain your situation to your first instructor, whether you get his blessing or not, then go from there. If you get his blessing, then repeat it to the other instructor. If you get both instructor's blessing. Set ground rules on competing, sharing one school's information with the other and whatever else you can think of. Good luck in whatever you decide.