Is Hendo the most undeserved and worst performing fighter to ever get title shot?

To me, it's a win-win. If Bisping wins, he gets to hang on to that belt (that he has worked his ass off for) a little while longer. If ol' man Hendo wins, it'll be exciting to see an old codger win the belt in front of so many non-believers. It wouldn't discredit the division or UFC. It would simply be an exciting/interesting turn of events and make for a great story.

I hope Hendo wins, holds up the belt, and then hands it back to Bisping and retires on the spot (and then walks out of the cage like a bowss.)
Isn't that how you and KONE try to win arguments by screaming race card and SJW?

Also that poll is essentially 50/50. That doesn't disprove my statement at all.

In context to that poll I said that 50 percent not saying it's dirty would probably criticize jones for dropping machida.

No, mine are much more substantive than yours.

'would probably...' Again, that's a baseless assertion. The poll indicates that a majority of Sherdog recognizes that what Hendo does is dirty. You would like to believe that the MMA fanbase is racist and hypocritical towards non-white fighters in general. You don't know what the other 46% thinks about Jones and what he does. But this is what happens when you're consumed by fear and ignorance and think the race bogeyman is hiding under your bed. You're prone to making silly generalizations.
When Hendo KO's Machida he's suddenly #7 so stfu with the Hendo hate at #13.
I'm sorry. it's just that you're arguing for the sake of arguing and that normally turns into me tring to untie your logical knots, but I can't do that.

okay w/e you say

He was given a chance at a short notice fight against a guy he previously lost to. Not only that, but he fought Vitor on May 14th and had a bum knee that needed healing. UFC 199 was on June 4th. So Jacare gets passed up on his deserved title shot because he was injured and didn't want to fight just over two weeks later? You're joking right? Old Hendo who's 4-6 in his last 10 deserves it more? Who was Hendos last win against? The #15th ranked WW. Who was Jacare's last win? Oh yeah..the guy who beat Hendo twice. Use your brain, turn off the bias and come to a reasonable decision. It's not that fucking hard.

It was a "minor injury" he could have chosen or not chosen to have surgery according to him.

The real reason he didn't take the fight was that he just ASSumed Bisping was gonna get his ass beat and that the title shot would be waiting for him whenever he wanted it with Rockhold as champ.
I'm sure, but FK hasn't figured out that just because a 'certain fighter' isn't liked, doesn't mean there's racial animus behind it. Jones is a criminal, a recidivist at that. He's arrogant and acts holier than thou. He uses dirty tactics to win fights. Plus, he's beaten a lot of beloved fighters with huge fanbases. All of that is naturally going to generate hate.

Name one recent "explosive" American UFC champ that wasn't hated or disrespected.

Rampage hated as champion.
Evans hated as champion.
Jones hated as champion (before and after incidents)
Bendo disrespected as champion.
DJ disrespected as champion

And soon....maybe Woodley would be disrespected/hated as a champ.

Sure there no racial animus at all here.

To counter your jones criticism. Gustafson is an even bigger criminal (a multiple offending felon), Arrogant (against DC and Rumble), fights dirty (eye pokes lead to finishes) and doesn't have a top 5 win in his career. Yet has all the support of fans who criticize jones of the same .
okay w/e you say

It was a "minor injury" he could have chosen or not chosen to have surgery according to him.

The real reason he didn't take the fight was that he just ASSumed Bisping was gonna get his ass beat and that the title shot would be waiting for him whenever he wanted it with Rockhold as champ.
lol did you just edit my quote or what.
Remember I said without a proper context?

This about bad title shots is it not?

I said you bring up Woodley every other week. You respond:

"You mean when I respond off a thread complaining about Woodley, you fucking moron."

Just take the fucking L already lmao

God damn

Don't care. I want to see it and I will be routing for Hendo all the way. This coming from someone who has followed the sport since early UFC and huge Pride nuthugger. This fight will make serious numbers and Hendo has a huge following. I would love to see him win and I don't care if retires right after or waits until he looses it and retires.
What's wrong about it though, is that he'll win, and be the most undeserving champ in UFC history. He gets his ass kicked by any top ten MW not named Bisping, who himself would lose to every top 5 MW, including in a rematch with Luke.
Hendo is old and this is probably his last fight. His resume as one of the greatest ever should be enough to give him a titlefight In his last fight. Especially when they have a history... But I can understand some want another contender.

I don't think Hendo beats Bisping, And I don't think Luke beats Bisping.
Check Hendos resume....

Ya, a guy that lost both his chances to win a title. He absolutely does NOT deserve a title shot. That is the biggest pile of crap I have ever seen in my life. The guy should be retiring, not fighting for a title.
I said you bring up Woodley every other week. You respond:

"You mean when I respond off a thread complaining about Woodley, you fucking moron."

Just take the fucking L already lmao

God damn


And wasn't that my own thread about the hypocrisy the Woodley/Hendo title shot debacle?

Even if I did, what of it? You're shit hypocrite piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.

God Damn

Unlike the wide and luke he is actually coming off a win

He beat a guy not even ranked at middleweight. Lomabard got wrecked at middleweight, then went down to welterweight. But got busted for steroids and decided to move back up. He's a nobody. I can't believe anyone is support henderson getting a title shot.
Name one recent "explosive" American UFC champ that wasn't hated or disrespected.

Rampage hated as champion.
Evans hated as champion.
Jones hated as champion (before and after incidents)
Bendo disrespected as champion.
DJ disrespected as champion

And soon....maybe Woodley would be disrespected/hated as a champ.

Sure there no racial animus at all here.

To counter your jones criticism. Gustafson is an even bigger criminal (a multiple offending felon), Arrogant (against DC and Rumble), fights dirty (eye pokes lead to finishes) and doesn't have a top 5 win in his career. Yet has all the support of fans who criticize jones of the same .

I'm a fan of Evans, Bendo, and Mighty Mouse, but you would instinctively lump me in with the group that hates them because they're black. That's your problem.

Rampage was hated by some fans for the fact that he beat the UFC goldenboy. It was a company rivalry thing, not a race thing. Rampage actually has a huge fanbase and is considered a beloved fighter.

Evans was hated by some fans because of his arrogance, cockiness, and clownish behavior. I happen to appreciate him, but others do not. Doesn't make it racist.

I've explained the reasoning behind the Jones hate. The list is long and most are legitimate gripes.

Bendo was hated by some fans because of his style and the fact that close decisions have a habit of going his way. You'll say 'but what about Robbie?' That's where the friendly fight style factors in. If you're entertaining the fans, they're going to be less likely to bash you for it.

Mighty Mouse was hated by some fans mostly because of his diminutive size and lack of finishes. Haven't you noticed that the haters are pretty scarce these days? That's because people are finally starting to appreciate his dominance.
The way I look at it is this;

Hendo is a legend with LEGIT 1 punch knockout power. he was an olympian and one of the only men to hold two belts at the same time in MMA.

if he wins a UFC title before retiring he's in the top 5 of all time in my honest opinion.
You are complaining that the legend Dan Henderson is fighting for a UFC belt in his very last fight ever??? He deserves this opportunity to prove he is/was/always will be one of the best fighters we have ever seen. Huge H -bomb then walk off into the sunset. I might never see a bigger moment in MMA

And what happens if he wins? Then what? how they going to find another champion. Who will now fight for it? How does that make the ufc look, if some dude, on the verge of retirement wins the title. It won't look good. that's for sure..
Mctappers title shot was quite undeserved imo.

Dude, are you serious. He beat the #2 ranked guy in the world within 2 rounds. The #2 ranked guy......... Plus also ko'ing the 5th ranked guy in Pourier. But just beating mendes, he deserved a shot...
Unlike the wide and luke he is actually coming off a win
Oh yeah, and fighters like Whittaker are coming from a decent wining streak. Hendo has nothing to do in the title picture.