Is Creatine safe?

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I recently ordered some Creatine from Optimum Nutrition that is made with Creapure. In the time I've spent waiting for it to arrive, I've been reading some stuff about it, like it has dangerous side effects such as kidney damage and hair loss etc. Now to be honest I'm a fairly paranoid person when it comes to my health and what I put into my body. I certainly don't want kidney damage or hair loss. Are my fears warranted or am I just being paranoid?
First off, do a damn search, you keep posting these damn threads that have been answered 1000's of times. Secondly don't you ask that sort of question BEFORE you buy a product?

I like your av though
I have searched, I just want some individual opinions. People act like this is a knowledge site and not a forum. Isn't a forum there to ask and answer questions? Why are you even on here if you're not going to answer questions?
Creatine came to my village when I was a wee lad. It raped all of our horses and then it rode off on our women.
Alright, here are your answers in short:

1.) Creatine causing hair loss = BS

2.) There is a VERY easy way to prevent kidney damage while loading and cycling creatine... drink more water than usual. Creatine tends to dehydrate your body at a slightly more accelerated rate when it is m.e.t.a.bolized.

Edit: As to avoid confusion, in my personal opinion it is NOT necessary to "load" or even cycle creatine. I used this as an example in the above scenario because it is the most taxing form of creatine consumption on your body.
I have searched, I just want some individual opinions. People act like this is a knowledge site and not a forum. Isn't a forum there to ask and answer questions? Why are you even on here if you're not going to answer questions?

I answer relevant ones. Look at the ones that haven't been asked a million times. I reply, and no one gives more knowledgeable posts than me. Point is people like you waste our damn time. You didn't read the faq or do a search with simply "creatine" or you would have found all your answers. Quit being lazy and expecting to be spoon fed, its childish and shows your character.
Every answer is in the links ziltoid gave you. As I said, you didn't search or read any of the relevant literature already presented. Sad

When you go to high school or college, and buy a book. Do you read it, or do you expect the professor to read it and tell you everything it says? Those links are the cliff notes, a half way point, and you didn't even bother with that.
I hope you dont take this to offense but we like to see people educate themselves and learn how to go about living and getting into healthy habits on their own. It just benefits you, you know what I mean? Sure...its tough around here sometimes...but it's tough love. Now go educate yourself! :)
I answer relevant ones. Look at the ones that haven't been asked a million times. I reply, and no one gives more knowledgeable posts than me. Point is people like you waste our damn time. You didn't read the faq or do a search with simply "creatine" or you would have found all your answers. Quit being lazy and expecting to be spoon fed, its childish and shows your character.


I have searched, I just want some individual opinions. People act like this is a knowledge site and not a forum. Isn't a forum there to ask and answer questions? Why are you even on here if you're not going to answer questions?

because we like to ridicule new people (btw- that is a lot of posts in a short time span) and if they go away and learn, we welcome them to our bosom. If loss
Call it what you want Ian. Its like calling yourself a PRO, when you fight in the minor leagues.

Either way, he could have found all that info on himself. Go look at the thread, on meat eating over the last two years. Who gave the relevant link to a University disertation? Ohhh wait that was me.
Creatine will fucking kill you. It's in the stickies.
Call it what you want Ian. Its like calling yourself a PRO, when you fight in the minor leagues.

Either way, he could have found all that info on himself. Go look at the thread, on meat eating over the last two years. Who gave the relevant link to a University disertation? Ohhh wait that was me.

I can't find a picture that says 'sense of humour breakdown'

So here's a picture of a kitty

Taking creatine and fish oil in the same day will kill you. Just a heads up.
Jesus H Christ. I swear, if there was a way to make the FAQ a mandatory read prior to being able to post...
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