Opinion Is China scared of America’s diversity?

China is 100% doig this.

I do think diversity seen in the West results in innovations that China can't match. Thats why China just steals everything.
Hardly to do with diversity and everything to do with China being a country composed mostly of illiterate peasants until Mao's death.
After that they focused on building the basics that people in the West take for granted. Roads, transmission lines, buildings not made out of bamboo etc.
You don't reinvent the wheel, you copy it.
People in China from the same generation as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs were forced to work in the fields, Xi Jinping was sent by Mao to live in a fucking village instead of studying.
Until then, you had more innovation coming from tiny Switzerland or Sweden than China.
In 40 years or so they have companies that while not as rich as their American counterparts are able to compete. Alibaba, TikTok, Huawei, ZTC, Xiaomi etc.
It's only a matter of time.
Huawei 5g was put in production before any western 5g
Hardly to do with diversity and everything to do with China being a country composed mostly of illiterate peasants until Mao's death.
After that they focused on building the basics that people in the West take for granted. Roads, transmission lines, buildings not made out of bamboo etc.
You don't reinvent the wheel, you copy it.
People in China from the same generation as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs were forced to work in the fields, Xi Jinping was sent by Mao to live in a fucking village instead of studying.
Until then, you had more innovation coming from tiny Switzerland or Sweden than China.
In 40 years or so they have companies that while not as rich as their American counterparts are able to compete. Alibaba, TikTok, Huawei, ZTC, Xiaomi etc.
It's only a matter of time.
Huawei 5g was put in production before any western 5g
This is correct everyone copies when starting. USA "stole" from Europe when we were dirt farmers. Eventually we lead the world. China did same early on and is now innovating on their own. Filing more patents than USA. Churning out 10x STEM graduates as we do. And that's not even counting how they dominate our universities...Hell even in my day in 90s at CalPoly SLO the STEM side of campus was mostly Asian. Lots for China and went back.
China and Mainland Chinese definitely see diversity as a weakness. Hence why they're stomping it out in their own country. It used to simply just be the Tibetans and Uyghurs that were targeting, now they're going after the Mongols and the Hui (Han Chinese Muslims). The Hui example is interesting b/c while they are Muslim like the Uyghurs, for a long time they were essentially left alone since they were still ethnically Han Chinese. The Uyghurs are Turkic peoples (think Central Asian) so targeting them wasn't much of an issue. And Mongolians just get hammered and hit harder, so they feel like they need to be dealt with.

The main issue is that China is an imperialist power, its after Lebensruam in areas like the west of the country slowly repressing the local population and replacing them with imported Han chinese.
seriousness is strong in sheepdog
Diversity utopia is a failed social experiment. China is laughing and making moves to prevent what is happening in the west.
I think America has China beat for diversity and they know this and they’re cowering in fear.

Once this pandemic is over do you guys think America will rise to the occasion and own China on all fronts?

-Kamala Harris (strong black womans whos going to to be president).
-Explosive athletes like Lebron James will continue to dominate in basketball on the world stage.
-Smart Indian and Asians will continue to flock and work at silicon valley companies making $$ and lead innovation.
-Mexicans will dominate the farming and agriculture jobs creating abundance of food for export.
-White Americans that make up the large percentage of the consumer class outspending the Chinese Middle-class.

American men are on average 5’9” and 200pounds with an iq of 90 and would waste most Chinese men in a street fight and arm wrestling.

I think American will own China in the next 10years. Smarter, stronger and bigger diverse people is our strength.

I thought about this. I think the issue is the Chinese communist government wants to stay in power and has to manage a population of nearly 2 billion people. Imagine you had a break away faction of a few million? Look how china is treating the uugyrs, Tibetans, people in Hong kong. It's all power and control.
diversity is our weakness. instead of being american, people try to compartmentalize everybody into groups, which leads to us vs them, haves and have nots, etc.

I would really like to see you recruit for a business. In nearly every case, the Chamber of Commerce pushes "liberal" city and state policies to attract young professionals.
The idea that 'diversity is bad/homogenity is good' is a child's analysis.
There are strengths and weaknesses to all systems.

America would be boring as shit without all of its diversity. More viewpoints and experiences makes it possible for all sorts of unique creations and advances.
China is riding high for now , but an empire built on fear and control will eventually crumble, they can only hide the way the rest of the world works from their populace for so long.
You may defeat the Chinese in a massive land war and dismantle the CCP but it will be like massive wasteland that you wont be able to Control as the Mongols will loot and pilage the vilage as soon as the Wall goea down.

For almost a thousand years the the Chinese state have been keeping the Mongol hordes in check.

Mongols have been pasified but once the whole system colapses the occupation forces will have to take care of that problems themselves.

Gehingiz Khan 3.0 will make ISIS looks like baby camels.
America would be boring as shit without all of its diversity. More viewpoints and experiences makes it possible for all sorts of unique creations and advances.
America was 90% white until the 1970s/1980s. Are you saying that America wasn't innovative until the 1970s/1980s?
For the last decade or so, your diversity has looked like their strength.
They probably love watching American society atomise itself.
Damn dude. Even the eyebrows.
The idea that 'diversity is bad/homogenity is good' is a child's analysis.
There are strengths and weaknesses to all systems.

America would be boring as shit without all of its diversity. More viewpoints and experiences makes it possible for all sorts of unique creations and advances.
China is riding high for now , but an empire built on fear and control will eventually crumble, they can only hide the way the rest of the world works from their populace for so long.

Um... "America would be boring without all of its diversity" is as much a child's analysis as "diversity is bad".

Sometimes, for adults in the real world, boring is what you want.
Especially considering possible alternatives:


Diversity's not much of a strength when you can't find any unity.
And only an idiot thinks that diversity is magically somehow a cure to boredom. Seriously, that's just daft.
America was 90% white until the 1970s/1980s. Are you saying that America wasn't innovative until the 1970s/1980s?

I wasnt solely relying on race to describe diversity. Do white Americans rally around just being white? There is diverse culture and thought all over America that has nothing to do with skin color.

One of the biggest flaws of a lot of traditional Asian cultures is a lack of diversity in thought and critical thinking..and it is by design. There is one way to do something and you shouldnt question it. It is useful to get things done quickly, but it isnt helpful for innovating and creating.

But even racially, we can see how big of an impact that blacks have had on a lot of quintessential American things. People want to bitch about some fires and BLM protests as if that could even begin to question the overall good that diversity has done for this country and the world at large.
Hardly to do with diversity and everything to do with China being a country composed mostly of illiterate peasants until Mao's death.
After that they focused on building the basics that people in the West take for granted. Roads, transmission lines, buildings not made out of bamboo etc.
You don't reinvent the wheel, you copy it.
People in China from the same generation as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs were forced to work in the fields, Xi Jinping was sent by Mao to live in a fucking village instead of studying.
Until then, you had more innovation coming from tiny Switzerland or Sweden than China.
In 40 years or so they have companies that while not as rich as their American counterparts are able to compete. Alibaba, TikTok, Huawei, ZTC, Xiaomi etc.
It's only a matter of time.
Huawei 5g was put in production before any western 5g

What the fuck are you talking about? Literacy rates in China are on par with the western world. I went to China have no idea what you are talking about with bamboo houses, needing transmission lines and roads. I was expecting people on bicycles in the major cities when I went but everyone had scooters or cars.

in teh
The idea that 'diversity is bad/homogenity is good' is a child's analysis.
There are strengths and weaknesses to all systems.

America would be boring as shit without all of its diversity. More viewpoints and experiences makes it possible for all sorts of unique creations and advances.
China is riding high for now , but an empire built on fear and control will eventually crumble, they can only hide the way the rest of the world works from their populace for so long.
I think your optimism is misplaced just as the National Security state/free traders of the 90s are finally realizing they were wrong welcoming china to free trading world in hopes they would change.. We have a tendency to think our ethics and atmospherics apply to other cultures.... e.g. GWB thought he could make Iraq into a Jeffersonian Democracy, not happening. Likewise China will never be like us - they value solidarity over individualism. As long as CCP can provide solidarity they will stay in forever.

Liberal hegemony has been a colossal failure with Russia, China, and Middle East because it ignores culture.
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