Is better Call Saul worth the watch?


Follow the white rabbit
May 26, 2017
Reaction score
Liked breaking bad. In need of something to to binge watch.
Are you ok with watching a show where nothing really happens?

Its good but its slow as shit
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That was my fear, I watched first episode and seemed slow. Good to know it doesnt pick up
It's much better than Breaking Bad was.

So much more depth.
It's a great show. Definitely worth a watch. I like it considerably more than BB especially in terms of consistent quality.
Just watch it

You can’t be a pussy all your life
Ken makes an appearance which makes it worth watching.
What? Really?

Ok what was your rating for Breaking Bad as it is up there amongst my favorite shows.

Pretty high until it jumped the shark. It was brilliantly acted, developed excellent tension, and was incredibly satisfying, which is one of the reasons it's so popular. At the end of the day, though, I grew tired of the endless fan service. They kept giving everyone exactly what they wanted, which was pretty gutless writing.

I prefer Saul because there's so much depth to the characters, and it's obvious the writers are taking their time and doing it right. It isn't as electric a drama as Breaking Bad, but I love it. That could change, though, a character could get his face blown off and walk into the hall before falling over.
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I love better call Saul.

The first season was decent, the second was better and the third was awesome. Have not seen the 4th yet because I only watch on Netflix.

The third season really ramps up the stakes.

It's not just about Saul either. I find the adventures of Mike to be just as if not more interesting.
Really good. I can understand people that don't like though. It's not for everybody.
It's awesome.

Watch it.
Great show, Michael McKean is an amazing actor. Some very powerful scenes from him.I had never seen any of his work before BCS.
It’s an incredible show, as long as you are not dumb.