Is Ben Shapiro the Best "political" debater alive?

He's a g
ood shitlord and he does destroy SJW/BLM arguments, pretty convincingly.

From his views, you would think he would be a Trump supporter and Anti-Hillary. But, he wasn't, which was strange. You would think Bill Mahar (sp?) would be pro-Trump, too. But, he wasn't.

He is still a good speaker, but I prefer Milo, Paul Joseph Watson, Stefan Molyneux.

i would listen to him on the radio every morning for 2 hours, he committed to the "never trump" thing during the general election when he kept shilling for ted cruz and marco rubio. he went way over the top with it to the point where he couldnt go back and save face. when trump was dominating the primaries it sounded like shapiro was about to cry on air every day
He has destroyed anyone he has debated that i have seen.
So you think the crazy segment of BLM will get less violent when they get totally shund?? I don't think that's how things usually work...
Heard much from the Black Panthers lately?
i would listen to him on the radio every morning for 2 hours, he committed to the "never trump" thing during the general election when he kept shilling for ted cruz and marco rubio. he went way over the top with it to the point where he couldnt go back and save face. when trump was dominating the primaries it sounded like shapiro was about to cry on air every day

1st off, he criticized Cruz a lot and Rubio more. He even said that Cruz physical looks are very unfortunate and seems to people like a used car salesman. He does not worship any candidate. He praises candidates when they say stuff he agrees with and pisses on them when they don't.

He has hated trump since he came to the conclusion he was not a conservative at all. Now that he got elected he loves the hillary tears and says he will give trump a chance to do good or bad. When he has done good things he has said it as well as bad.

Ben is one of the most principled guys you will find and actually sticks to them.

He wants small government, to be left alone by the gov, to not pay for someone else's shit, traditional values, and a minimal amount of regulation in the market.

PS he has never looked like he was going to cry on air and he seemed really happy on the livestream on election night when trump won even it only to see hillary and the left lose.

You need to be less asshurt over it.
He'll likely be on JRE soon, theyre trying to make it happen.

Joe Roan tweeted in the past that he'd love to have Ben on. Ben also retweeted a post saying he should be on the Joe Roan Experience. They also both live in Cali I believe. Soon.jpg
No, the littlest chickenhawk doesn't belong in the same sentence with greatness of any sort.
He'll likely be on JRE soon, theyre trying to make it happen.

Rogan and Shapiro live around the same area (Los Angeles) and JRE has a HUGE audience.

If it was offered to Ben, I doubt he'd wait months to accept the invitation.

And Ben has the #1 conservative podcast in his own right, so it wouldn't be like Rogan's having on a guest that no one knows.
Honestly, I'm a Jewish supporter, but have noticed a few bias quirks from Ben down the stretch I hadn't seen before. Same goes for Mahar. It reminds me a bit of SouthOfTheAndes lol.

I don't get the anti-Trump stuff because it was a 2 horse race and obviously this was a clear left vs right. I honestly don't know who he voted for even.

He didn't vote, and since he lives in California it wouldn't have mattered.

Most of his haters don't understand that Ben gets constant harassment online, even was named the #1 targeted political commentator on the web in 2016. So, if you were getting constant death threats, cuckhold accusations, recieved pictures of half-white half-black newborn babies on the day your son was to be born, constant references to gas chambers and ovens, and typical jewish stereotypes... you'd probably be less likely to change your mind about Trump supporters.

And Ben isn't exactly an #NeverTrump leader, he just says his opinions about politics, and his opinion about Trump isn't meant to change anyone's opinions about voting for him. In fact, he was extremely sympathetic of the viewpoint that we had to elect Trump to defeat Hillary.

In the end, while I eventually voted for Trump, I didn't catch 0.001% of the bullshit Ben got for making a principled decision in not being able to support Trump, and in fact I would have lost respect for him (like Ted Cruz) if he did say before the election 'You know guys, I'm on the Trump train.'
I'm not forcing anyone to do anything.

But Trump's and Shapiro's views have a lot of overlap, significantly more so than Hilary/Shapiro. If Shapiro wanted to see an America that best reflected his viewpoint and direction, then voting for Trump over Hillary was in his best interests. This isn't a question.

I disagree. I don't vote on "feelings", feelings are transient, sometimes you feel good about a candidate, you wake up the next day and you feel bad about them ... For no reason.

"I disagree with unchecked mass migration and don't like the idea of millions of unvetted Syrians coming to America as a principle, but, you know, the huffington post said that Trump was mean and like, literally Hitler! And oh my gaad, Hillary is on stage with Beyoncé!! I feel good and warm inside! I'm like, totally voting for her!!" .... SMH.

Personally, I vote on PRINCIPLES and VALUES. On that, no matter how many negative publicity stunts the media showed that Trump did and no matter how many celebrities Hillary posed and took selfies on stage with, I would always support Trump over Hillary.

Elections and politics are just too f**king important to be voting on fleeting "feelings".

I agree with about all of this, but I just want to clarify that Shapiro does share more views with Trump than Hillary, but Shapiro doesn't trust Trump that those are actually Trump's views.

But, besides Bannon and Priebus, Shapiro has praised Trump's announced cabinet appointments.
He didn't vote, and since he lives in California it wouldn't have mattered.

Most of his haters don't understand that Ben gets constant harassment online, even was named the #1 targeted political commentator on the web in 2016. So, if you were getting constant death threats, cuckhold accusations, recieved pictures of half-white half-black newborn babies on the day your son was to be born, constant references to gas chambers and ovens, and typical jewish stereotypes... you'd probably be less likely to change your mind about Trump supporters.

And Ben isn't exactly an #NeverTrump leader, he just says his opinions about politics, and his opinion about Trump isn't meant to change anyone's opinions about voting for him. In fact, he was extremely sympathetic of the viewpoint that we had to elect Trump to defeat Hillary.

In the end, while I eventually voted for Trump, I didn't catch 0.001% of the bullshit Ben got for making a principled decision in not being able to support Trump, and in fact I would have lost respect for him (like Ted Cruz) if he did say before the election 'You know guys, I'm on the Trump train.'

Historically I've been a strong supporter of his. I'd still say I am. And I do think he's brilliant. Not a fan of not voting but we'll see how his positions unfold. I'm definitely not a hater.
Ben is pretty good. Very articulate. Kind of like a more conservative version of Stefan Molyneux(who is equally articulate).
I don't agree with everything he says, but DAMN, he kills everybody. I was watching him destroy that Sally Kohn person. She was freaking out on all these emotional rants and Ben just kept droppin fact and logic bombs on her. I bet most these people need safe spaces and therapy after he finishes with them.

By the way, Why hasn't he been on Joe Rogans podcast or Bill mahers show (i quickly searched and didnt see anything). I think Rogan would have to rethink his entire life if Ben went on his show and No way does Maher invite him on and give him any real time.

Can you imagine him in a presidential debate against someone. Damn they would have to retire right after the debate.

I'd eat him for breakfast.

I've seen a few of his talks on youtube, and seeing him stumble through his faulty logic and straw man arguments is simply embarrassing.
Sure you could

With ease. In my world he's pretty much a joke and so are his arguments. A trained eye can recognize that he uses very obvious tactics to try to make it appear that he's winning an argument/debate.
With ease. In my world he's pretty much a joke and so are his arguments. A trained eye can recognize that he uses very obvious tactics to try to make it appear that he's winning an argument/debate.

I don't agree or disagree. I'd like it if you elaborated though so I can better understand your logic.
With ease. In my world he's pretty much a joke and so are his arguments. A trained eye can recognize that he uses very obvious tactics to try to make it appear that he's winning an argument/debate.

He's slick, but he was also a #NeverTrumper who was willing to die on his hill for Michelle "Literally Thrown to the Ground" Fields in one of the most pathetic examples of the thirst this side of the Ganges.

He must be forgiven for his sins first.
I don't agree or disagree. I'd like it if you elaborated though so I can better understand your logic.

He's fond of using people's preconceived stereotypes as givens. So those that hold the stereotypes will view what he's saying as the "hard truth." He uses a ad hominem fallacy attacks on those that disagree with him. He plays to his crowd, which is almost always full of his supporters, so his youtube videos look like he has all this support.

He uses terrible straw men to make his point. He puts words in people's mouths that they never said. Like he'll say that white people are blamed for the sins of their grandfathers, but nobody actually ever says that. And that's his argument against the idea of privilege, which incidentally, he doesn't seem to have any actual definition for. He denies the existence of institutional racism, which every imaginable study and statistic has proven to be a real thing, especially some of the more carefully implemented longitudinal studies in history.

He's not an intellectual, or even much of a thinker. He's only smart enough to know what plays to the lowest common denominator among a very specific, albeit large, audience.
Milo Yiannapoulous vs. Ben Shapiro vs. Katie Hopkins would be epic.