Is Arman a hot head?

On Monday, I posted regarding this topic, in another thread. So let me paste here, what I typed, for your own judgment and decision on how you guys would like to view Arman.

Below is the pasted message from another thread:

Here's my neutral take. It consists of a mash-up of points.

1. In this thread I read from certain poster/s that this crowd seemed to be grabbing on to fighters more than any usual/typical crowd (e.g Aljo, Charles, Arman encountered this). So, for what it's worth, take this into consideration.

2. Guys, understand one thing: there was a Q&A with fans recently (i forgot which UFC event it was held at) with Arman, Poatan and Kayla Harrison. A lot of fans were boo-ing Arman, and taking the Mic to verbally abuse Arman with vulgarities (if I remember correctly), to the extent that Megan Olivi and maybe even Kayla were feeling rather disturbed by the rowdiness and the abuse. As a neutral observer, I noticed that Arman kept his cool so well, and he remained very polite and respectful, even towards the worst insults and personal attacks by fans who hid behind the mic , 200 metres away from him. To the extent that I actually got irritated and annoyed by Arman's seemingly meek response, and I actually thought he was behaving too soft.
Now, I notice many posters are criticising Arman for punching a fan on fight night (and some are hinting that this brute behavior has to do with his race/ethnicity/heritage -- okay, i have no comments on that). Conversely, Many posters are in support for Arman, too.
Here's what I personally feel: if you think about the personal insults Arman took during the Q&A day, and put it all in perspective, would you have a different stance towards Arman's actions then? It's entirely possible that throughout this buildup, Charles fans have been super vocal and toxic towards Arman, that this has been building up like a volcano inside of him. So, to what extent should we blame him for lashing out, just minutes before his most important moment of his fight career? Secondly, imagine being personally attacked by keyboard warriors for an extended period of time, getting boo'd by the entire crowd, and you just want your personal space during those few seconds of walkout. If you were him, would you yourself, be able to stay cool and collected, if all you wanted was to have your personal boundary be respected, but even that personal space was taken away from you?
In fact, Arman's post-fight comments about the fan incident sheds more light into his personal "code". He did say that, he's cool if anyone talks shit to him from 200m away, and he'll take it in stride, but, if knowing that he is a fighter, the shit-talker still tries to heckle him within arm's length, then he has a problem. Given this context, do you guys have a different view now? I mean, I don't know... Someone did teach me not to poke the tiger, and that's a mantra that I always follow.

3. After hearing that Charles encountered something similar during his walkout but reacted well to it: Damn, what a class act. I have always thought that Charles is a good human, first and foremost, and a good fighter, secondly. Him acknowledging/hugging his opponents and their cornermen before the fight is a really nice gesture. I wish I can see him get more dominant wins from here on out.

4. Charles definitely seems like someone who will be able to keep his cool much better than Arman, but, again, before some of you guys hint about Arman's supposedly brute-like/brash behavior stemming from his race/background, I hope you think further about the context and put yourselves in his shoes.

People could insult Wonderboy or GSP to the same degree they did with Arman at some interview , and Wonderboy (or GSP for that matter) would not have swung at someone in the audience like that.
He's a hot head alright. Even at the face-offs he was looking to shove his face into Oliveira to start a tussle but it's in his nature and what makes him tick. He really believes in himself.
I don’t know much about the guy but he seemed classy against Charles until I saw the footage of him swinging at a fan, and another clip of him and his crew when he shoved Bobby Green. The man is starting to get his stardom and then all this tantrum appears. I remember Karo Parisyan and especially Manny Gamburyan were easily emotionally triggered.

Anyone know the back story of those two incidents?
Nah, he's just Russian. Just watch some of the face offs in the Russian organizations or their press conferences.
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Ya he's hot, so what? There's a lot of hot guys in the UFC. Looks play a huge role is western society and uglies like myself don't get opportunities to be great.

There's literally hundreds of thousands of ugly men like me that could beat the shit out of UFC fighters, but we're not marketable.

This is an entertainment industry.
I don’t know much about the guy but he seemed classy against Charles until I saw the footage of him swinging at a fan, and another clip of him and his crew when he shoved Bobby Green. The man is starting to get his stardom and then all this tantrum appears. I remember Karo Parisyan and especially Manny Gamburyan were easily emotionally triggered.

Anyone know the back story of those two incidents?

Yeah these Armenians are mental beta's
People could insult Wonderboy or GSP to the same degree they did with Arman at some interview , and Wonderboy (or GSP for that matter) would not have swung at someone in the audience like that.
I agree with your response to me, specifically to your points made in this quote. Wonderboy and GSP are two of the (if not the) nicest fighters out there. They have real class, just like Charles Oliveira (as elaborated in my previous post's point 3&4).
My previous post was providing more possible context to Arman's behavior, beyond just saying that Arman acted that way because of his race. And the post didn't contain my endorsement nor criticism of that behavior as I am trying to look at the matter from an outsider view.
I think he's from a background of respect. He respects his opponents, but gets annoyed when people aren't respectful to him, because they're breaking the rulebook he was raised with. He was more uptight about it before, but he handled the fans being against him pretty well in the Oliveira conferences, considering they were saying stuff like "fuck you" and asking him what he thinks about how Charles is gonna knock him the fuck out.

You can say Americans are "decent people" and that Arman is indecent, but the American behaviour wouldn't be considered decent in most of the world. I think you just have to recognise that people were raised with different rulebooks and let people off when they break your I partly come from a culture that uses honorifics...if my younger relatives on that side don't use them with me I'll take it as rude (and I'd have been slapped up by my dad for it for sure), but if my younger relatives on the other side don't use them I don't care because I know they were raised differently and they don't think it's rude. Or if someone from British culture doesn't make eye contact it can come across as rude or unusual to me, but if they're from other cultures I know that eye contact is considered rude so I wouldn't think it could rude.
People could insult Wonderboy or GSP to the same degree they did with Arman at some interview , and Wonderboy (or GSP for that matter) would not have swung at someone in the audience like that.
Strickland would and have, so what is your point?
idk but if he ever lays a hand on me i'll be ready. Charged up on energy drinks and usada ban list substances i will make this man call me his daddy. He can't compete with the real world.
Ufc creates weak men.

I think everyone at the next event he competes at should give him the middle finger up close. He says if you do this i will hit you. Baiting it on. So people need to show this man child whats up. He can go to prison if thats what he wants. This guys excuse...- I'm from russia... what kind of racist garbage is that.
idk how anyone likes this guy’s personality. he is an absolute tool. it would be more justifiable if it were an act. but arman seems like the kind of person to get his visa revoked for assaulting people on the street.
I wonder if people will continue to do this to him on future walkouts. Would really suck if a fan sucker punches him and the fight gets called off literally on the walk out.
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I wonder if people will continue to do this to him on future walkouts. Would really suck if a fan sucker punches him and the fight gets called out literally on the walk out.

He probably doesn't have the impulse-control to stop it.

Fists would be flying.

Typical Sharaputdin-behavior.
They might just have more of an honor culture in Armenia, since it seems to be a pattern with Armenians albeit a small sample.
A human cockfighter is not a hot head would be more thread worthy tbh

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