Is Anyone on Conor's Side?

I'm on the side of pre-Aldo fight Conor.
He's still inside there somewhere, behind the coke, the drugs, the criminal behavior.
Conor overheard the dude saying to his friend,

"I will be over in a minute. Just taking a photo of the angry, ginger, manlet!"
ohhhh, poor paparazzi. Happens all the time dummy:

What's pathetic is harassing public figures. You just don't like Conor so anything he does will upset you. You probably believe he raped that club hooker too...
There are always people trying to leech off someones fame and sometimes a line in the sand has to be drawn. He's just lucky he didn't eat a left hand considering he's harassing a professional fighter and not some Hollywood Thespian Pretender.

Yup, and all those people are idiots and got into some trouble for that. Absolutely doesn't give Contard a pass. And how ironic, paparazzi are a HUGE part of the fame of these people so get off your high horse about their careers. Eat a left hand...yea and then Conor most definitely would be in jail for assault. Sorry, these people begggggg for the fame, then snap over something this little. And in the grand scheme of celebrity harassment, this was damn peanuts. The dude literally is retreating and Conor easily could have kept his back to him and kept walking, problem solved. Keep gobbling his nob tho dude
I give conor alot of shit,but seriously fuck that guy,and fuck his stupid phone. Conor got enough shit to deal with trying to put his career back together after being besmirched so profuciously by the dagestani bear wrestler,and if that broke phone moron cant FUCK OFF,then he deserves everything he gets. Generally fans are 110% in the wrong,because they suck.
Enough shit to put his career back together...? Well he is doing a bang up job. Getting arrested for rape, assault, theft. Great work. Seems to me like this is the blueprint for success. Dude should stay retired, but if he doesn't I will very much enjoy him getting pieced up by any of the top 5 (plus now Max). Cue the butthurt gobblers "waaaaaaa conor is the GOAT he will beat them all" Go away
At the end of the day I think a lot of us in Conor's shoes would lash out at paparazzi or whatever you want to classify this guy as once in awhile. It has to wear on you with these idiots surrounding you anytime you try to do something in the public.
the last guy that did that to me,

had his phone punted off into the woods.

had a bruise on my foot for a week.

Maybe not head butt, but I'd be annoyed without a doubt

This is really a teenager response. "If that happened I'd totally kick that guys ass....". "really?" "Well, I'd be mad"

You claimed that people would have done the same, and that shows a level of immaturity that can only be found on Sherdog and 4Chan. Protip: No matter how cool you think you are, as an adult you can not go destroying peoples property or physically assault them just because your widdle feewings get hurt...
This is really a teenager response. "If that happened I'd totally kick that guys ass....". "really?" "Well, I'd be mad"

You claimed that people would have done the same, and that shows a level of immaturity that can only be found on Sherdog and 4Chan. Protip: No matter how cool you think you are, as an adult you can not go destroying peoples property or physically assault them just because your widdle feewings get hurt...

Cry me a river pal.

It's called an exaggeration.
This is really a teenager response. "If that happened I'd totally kick that guys ass....". "really?" "Well, I'd be mad"

You claimed that people would have done the same, and that shows a level of immaturity that can only be found on Sherdog and 4Chan. Protip: No matter how cool you think you are, as an adult you can not go destroying peoples property or physically assault them just because your widdle feewings get hurt...
Seems your feewings are hurt
Yeah, fuck that little punk! It would have been better if he gave him that left hand!
I am in the sense that the guy shouldn't have used his flash like that. I'm not in the sense that literally everyone else there also had their phones out filming Conor and taking pics.
I do in this case. You shouldn't be allowed to harass someone like that even if they are famous. He didn't hurt the guy; that would be different, he just took it out of his hand and broke it.

Famous or not if someone keeps shining a light in your eyes, knocking out of their hands is not unreasonable.

At most he should have to replace it.
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This is really a teenager response. "If that happened I'd totally kick that guys ass....". "really?" "Well, I'd be mad"

You claimed that people would have done the same, and that shows a level of immaturity that can only be found on Sherdog and 4Chan. Protip: No matter how cool you think you are, as an adult you can not go destroying peoples property or physically assault them just because your widdle feewings get hurt...
I thought this was directed at me and just saw it was my av.