Is Anyone on Conor's Side?

The flash wouldn't have bothered Conor had he just kept his back turned to him and continued walking. Instead he turned around, and came back to confront the guy

You know we can all see the video right? You can literally watch the guy go from being behind Conor when Conor left move himself in front of Conor to be able to video tape him (and already had his phone out to do so), keep parallel with Conor to keep filming in his face while Conor was walking away, and then tried to retreat and stay away from Conor while still trying to film him after Conor confronted him over the continued harassment


Conor shouldn't be breaking people's phones, but Ahmed was obviously being the cunt he was reported to have been. You can literally see it on his face that he's trolling Conor.

I am... fuck phones
Who cares? Why is this on a UFC discussion group. The man hasn't won a fight in years and barely fights. Let him go swing his tiny arms around the WWE for a bit.
Douche bags gonna douche, it’s what they do...i’m referring to Conor...
I would've done the same, even if that goofy looking clown wasn't taking my picture
No, he has cameras in his face everyday. Thats what he wanted, he wanted to be centre of attention and he got it. Then reacts like a spoilt brat because he can't handle it after Khabib emasculating him. No one has the right to smash and steal your property.
Do I think Conor should rise above it and not react to stuff like this, yes, but at the same time I don't blame him, I'd struggle to deal with guys like that too.

He's always been an emotional guy who acts on impulse, it's the reason he got as big as he is, this is just one of the drawbacks of that type of personality.
If some big titted goofball was filming with his flash on while laughing I'd for sure head butt his phone into a different galaxy.

Everybody shits on Conor for this as if they wouldn't do something similar
Conor should send him some nice fancy bras for an apology to appease the public.
Colin fans are undisciplined and uneducated with self control.
That guy is a chode, but if it was me I would got in his face and took a punch for a clean 50k
I will back Conor 100% on this.

I believe that was the proper response to the situation, I or anyone else would have done the same thing.

I would also consider buying this nerd a new phone with a stern warning that I will smash this one also if not kept out of my face, but that's just me.
im just here to laugh at all the tough guys on here who say they would do the same thing when we all know ........

I am, i would do that same thing. Maybe not stomp on the phone, but knock it out.
I’d probably do the same thing honestly! The guy was definitely being a douche bag. Having said that Conor is also a douche bag.
Honestly, I despise what Conor has done to the sport, but I was prepared to be on his side here because people can be obnoxious cunts in public. The fact is, he walks up doing a slight swagger walk and then puts his hands up to his mouth so he could announce something to everyone, probably about proper twelve or something. He created a little circus and people fed into it. I could see it if he had tried to walk up without creating a buzz with his walk and announcement.

I ask myself what would I have done If this goofball harassed me and I was Conor.

I'm on Conor's side.