Media Irene Aldana cut officially the GROSSEST MMA gash ever (NSFW vid)

Did she top this ? Marvins is at least clean. Hers is gross.

So you wanna be a fighter ..

That said she needs a serious reworking of her skill set or maybes its time to stop ..

She showed a real lack of variety and extreme hard headed reluctance to mix it up ...this is MMA for fuck sakes .. what are they teaching her over there?

U dont want to be taking this much damage ever night at the office...

She needs work ... hopefully the time off healing from this will bring some enlightenment ..
Def not time to stop over this. This was caused by a headbutt. That can happen to anyone.
That fight should have been stopped and a NC.

Jesus fucking Christ.
Should ve been stopped, but why the NC
I didn't catch the fight
I am thinking more on the lines of stoppage by doc