Insanity/ bizarre? step right up


Silver Belt
Apr 8, 2002
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First off anyone that came into contact with my drunken slurring posts last night,` and thought, man you are a jerk, all apologies...

Well its 4:38 am here and i'm just back from a club, but i have a little story to tell that shocks and amazes me....and i was there...

My good freind Jonny and i were drinking in a shithole club, after losing everyone else and lacking in mobile phones....

I could tell he was pretty drunk by the way he kept exclaiming to be my best friend, this show of affection for me is normally a sign things are about to turn bad.

Within five minutes, he actually whipped out his cock, and placed it on the ledge we were standing at for everyone to see. I couldn't stop laughing, he then started playing with his cock in front of about 300 people, I thought i was going to die at this point with hysterics. He did this for about an hour, continually flashing his nob at anyone and everyone, the bouncers didn't even give a shit, he actually walked up to the cloak room slapped his cock on the desk and demanded his coat, the lady behind the counter knew us, but i could tell there was a glazed look of terror by the way she mumbled "you should go home".......crazy

It was walking down the road he started to lose it completely, he took off all his clothes dropping his trousers, telling random people, cars, lamp posts to "Shuddup"...Scotland aint a warm place folks and he was butt naked strolling along the road without a care in the world.....

I lost him somewhere, so hes probably in a gutter right now.... its going to be sweet phoning him tommorow and askng him if he even remembesr what he did last night...

fucking nudist head case
I knew there was a reason we got along here. Sounds like we have friends of similar character and disposition. Everything turns to shit after the first "I fuckin love you man".

Yeah i know , now that i think about everyone in my local pub , was pissed as well.

Rob put a sandwhich on Cals head (egg and mayo triangle)...

he then used the fat end of the pool cue took a run at cal and blasted the sandwhich all over the bar...i thought he was going to miss and end up crippling Cal......

he thought he was william tell.........

This has been the freakiest night in memory...but funny
Oh man, I'll tell you the projectile vomit nights are by far the best.

I went out with my cousin (17) my buddy One Eye Rob (22) and buddy Fat Rob (27) we went on a crawl through the local establishments here in Reno. This is around Christmas time when the snow and ice have made thier presence known. Any way, here we are at 3:30 am and snookered to all hell. None of can drive so we flag down a guy in the parking garage we knew, who was this fat little filipino guy who thought he was king pimpshit with the ladies because of this tricked out Mitsubishi he had. It was pretty trick with the nice leather interior and flipmode cd deal. Any way we are makin the turns to get out of this garage with three big guys in the back of the car and IT happens. Big Rob puts all of his 350lbs into one convulsive movement and pitches puke all over the window which he though was open. Rickee, the driver, sees this, slams on the barakes which makes my cuzz, just let go all over the back of Rickee's head and runnin hot down the seat. Oh the fucking smell of a nights worth of Newcastle and kamaikaze shooters just reeked to high heaven. I got out of the car all three of these guys were geysers letting go all over the inside of this poor guys car. He is fuming by now and starts screaming in filipino at these guys to get the fuck out of his car. I was in hysterics at this point watching all the fat asses puking all over everything. Then it got weird. Rickee, is really serious about his car and is so mad he pulls a pistol and fires into the air. This fuckin bullet hits the concrete ceiling and bounces right back into the front of his car blowing out his tire. No, fucking way, I run all the way back to club we were at and call home for a ride game over.
Yup a there is a kinship in terms of crazy assed friends...

mind you i'm probably no better....
Better.... I'm coming to Scotland to look into this matter firsthand.

Sounds , like your buds are some fun cats to hang with.
Hell, you should, its always tales of wretched debauchery every weekend..

Yeah they are all good guys, but when the drink and other stuff gets going, it all kicks off into absurdness, including lesbianism.....