Inguinal Hernia

Chris Kimmerly

Amateur Fighter
Aug 24, 2002
Reaction score
Well this sucks. Have you ever gained weight (fat) and still thought you were in ok shape. Well that was me until last week. The doc told me I had a hernia brought on by sudden weight gain. I took about 8 months off of training for a number of reason and gained almost 40 lbs in the process. and to top it off my cholestral is so high they cannot read it. Needless to say this was the same day I started training for a fight in March so I guess it was about time I got back in the game. Any boby have anything similar happen???? I think I need to start a support group or something....its very depressing.. for me at least.
Jesus man! No, I haven't, but I can say this: If you start working hard and eating right, that shit will start falling off fast. Good luck.
thaiboxgrappler said:
Jesus man! No, I haven't, but I can say this: If you start working hard and eating right, that shit will start falling off fast. Good luck.

Thanks for the encouragement. I have a great buch of guys I train with. Most of which I have helped to train and coach myself so I see a great recovery from this mess
What the hell have you been eating! Do a lot of cardio and cut out the junk food. Start eating healthy. Take some fish oil, green tea and some antioxidants (like vitamin C) to help lower you cholesterol.

Yeah, I've had one. It does suck and can take away your motivation for a lot of things. Mine was corrected with surgery (and a very good job too).
Wolfcastle said:
Yeah, I've had one. It does suck and can take away your motivation for a lot of things. Mine was corrected with surgery (and a very good job too).

Well mine isn't that bad where I need surgery but I was told to take it easy and the weight loss will correct mine.
Wolverine said:
What the hell have you been eating! Do a lot of cardio and cut out the junk food. Start eating healthy. Take some fish oil, green tea and some antioxidants (like vitamin C) to help lower you cholesterol.


Ya I was eating alot of junk, fast food. It comes with a busy hectic lifestyle with no time to prep good food. Between hocky for my son, dance for my daughter and working a full and part-time job its hard to stay on track. Its stranger though because I always have time to feed my kids right?????