Info on Arona's strenght training??


Purple Belt
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone know what he does strenght training wise and for cardio. The guy is my favorite grappler and has the potentinal to be one of the longest reinging UFC champions if there ever sign him. His physical abilites and strenght translate so well to the sport, and I am curious as to what he does to get himself in shape for fights. Is he just a freak of nature, or does he do serious strenght training?
Anyone know what he does strenght training wise and for cardio. The guy is my favorite grappler and has the potentinal to be one of the longest reinging UFC champions if there ever sign him. His physical abilites and strenght translate so well to the sport, and I am curious as to what he does to get himself in shape for fights. Is he just a freak of nature, or does he do serious strenght training?

He's a freak of nature.
All I gotta say is his rockclimbing vid is nuts!! But saying a possible UFC champ? not if Page is around to slam him again at LHW.
Well there's rock climbing:

...and then there's ROCK CLIMBING:

<object height="355" width="425">

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425"></object>
<object height="336" width="420">
MagicMan? Where have you been?

I've been plotting my schemes.

No, actually I quit posting for 6+ hours a day. Life intervened... sucks!

And that 2nd rock climber video is crazy. That guy is like a squirrel-ape man.
...and then there's ROCK CLIMBING:

<object height="355" width="425">

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425"></object>

That dyno at 1:12 kills me every time I watch that video. I think I would die of a heart attack right in the middle of that move if I ever attempted such a thing.
From the Forbidden Topics Sticky:
"How does [insert fighter] train" type threads - Forbidden for three reasons: 1) Many fighters succeed in spite of their training not because of it. 2) An elite fighter's routine will differ on a fundamental level from yours because of experience. 3) Even if the fighter is at your level of lifting experience, and age, and skill, there are still many other factors that would make your routine different (personal weaknesses, muscle imbalances, periodization etc.)
Im sure he went out the way he would have wanted to, as opposed to a car crash
the original post is one of the most subconsciously homosexual things ive ever read.

*backs out of thread with hand over asshole*