Incredible Scenes In Forgettable Movies

Fucking love him in this movie.

The basketball scene. Lol!

it’s a testament to how good of an actor he was. Capable of so many great dramatic performances and yet in this mediocre comedy, he is by far the funniest aspect in a cast full of funny actors who are far more prone to comedic roles. He steals every scene he is in and single-handedly elevates the film.

Reminds me of Jeff Daniels- a great enough actor that he is right up there with Carrey in Dumb and Dumber even though comedy of that sort was not his schtick.

RIP to the guy. Such a shame he died the way he did. Can’t help but think how many more good roles he would have already had by this point.
It's been a while since I've seen it, but I believe she got got it earlier in the movie when she was talking on the phone with the boy they took. I might be wrong though haha, it could just be feminine instinct
The boy got it from the name of the bottle on the medicine cabinet
it’s a testament to how good of an actor he was. Capable of so many great dramatic performances and yet in this mediocre comedy, he is by far the funniest aspect in a cast full of funny actors who are far more prone to comedic roles. He steals every scene he is in and single-handedly elevates the film.

Reminds me of Jeff Daniels- a great enough actor that he is right up there with Carrey in Dumb and Dumber even though comedy of that sort was not his schtick.

RIP to the guy. Such a shame he died the way he did. Can’t help but think how many more good roles he would have already had by this point.
My favourite mission impossible movie is the one he was in. That scene when he threatens Ethan “I’m gonna find her and I’m gonna hurt her.”
Wasn't a fan Captain America: Civil War
but I did love the airport scene.
My favourite mission impossible movie is the one he was in. That scene when he threatens Ethan “I’m gonna find her and I’m gonna hurt her.”

Phenomenal scene. Also love PSH in the opening scene (where Abrams starts things toward the end and then goes back to how we got there).

Like you helped me on the plane?

You think I’m playing?! You think I won’t do it??!

shit was intense.

ghost protocol is my favorite but MI: 3 is a close second for me. And I think of MI: 3 as really the momentum changer of the series. Once that one dropped, every subsequent entry, in my opinion was either good or really good. One of the few franchises that got better several films in.
Tin Cup - The final scene where he beats the water hazard. There's other good scenes but that is fantastic .

“Give me the big dog”

That is what he says right? Haven’t seen it in years but I randomly recently found my DVD copy and plan on watching it again soon.
So many naming a scene but not linking it...

Smfh. This place has jumped the whale

I took this from the favorite 1987 film thread.

The intro is the only thing that delivers. The rests of the film just tries to push new characters to sell as toys and send the brand in a new direction.

Also from retaliation.

Love this movie. I’m a Michael Mann fanboy as well.

When I went to see it, the theatre cheered at this scene where Gina shoots the one kid in the head.

It was a damn good movie. I have always said it drew unfair criticism due to the (inevitable) Heat comparison.
“Give me the big dog”

That is what he says right? Haven’t seen it in years but I randomly recently found my DVD copy and plan on watching it again soon.

Anyone who has played a decent amount of golf at least enjoys that movie. It's extremely relatable.