International illegals overpower America's weak National Guard like the Zombie Apocalypse & rip fences like it's Cotton Candy

Wow. I feel like you’re just having the argument you were hoping to have and not even reading. Ok well whatever I guess keep saying spiteful shit and driving people away from your cause.
he's right. today's migration is predatory.
Do you know what my stance is on immigration? He should but clearly he still doesn’t
i was talking about the "drive people away" bit.
in europe people are boiling over immigration.
so any anti-immigration stance is currently growing, and rightfully so.
i was talking about the "drive people away" bit.
in europe people are boiling over immigration.
so any anti-immigration stance is currently growing, and rightfully so.
Our crisis is not Europes crisis. I’m not going to pretend I have a firm grip on it. But I do know about the crisis here. I do know that these stories people are telling themselves are just hate porn.

I for strict immigration control. I just don’t need to vilify destitute and desperate people to understand that.
rip fences like cotton candy, not "rip fences like it's cotton candy"

fucking moron TS
Was on our news today that record number of chinese are going through at usa border

Reminded me of this thread lol


I keep trying to tell you people - the enemy is within our gates, and it's because the useful idiot left let them in. SMH.

If you don't have a gun, get one. War is coming.


I keep trying to tell you people - the enemy is within our gates, and it's because the useful idiot left let them in. SMH.

If you don't have a gun, get one. War is coming.

Sounds like this guy is a very shitty and lazy "spy". Thought he could waltz into the place and get all of our special secrets instead of taking the time to get a job there to gather the info covertly.
Sounds like this guy is a very shitty and lazy "spy". Thought he could waltz into the place and get all of our special secrets instead of taking the time to get a job there to gather the info covertly.

Who wouldn't think you could waltz right in right now? Our enemies have been emboldened by a US populace infected with weak minded leftism. They can fly spy balloons over the country and pour in through the border because "orange man bad" programmed bots can't see a fucking thing that's happening right in front of them.
Who wouldn't think you could waltz right in right now?
Your story was about a military base and you still cannot just walk onto a base, much less steal information. I know of an elderly woman with dementia who drove onto a base because she was lost. Still got arrested and her car was impounded.
Do you know what my stance is on immigration? He should but clearly he still doesn’t
The point I was making was that my sentiment was motivated by a legitimate concern for social wellbeing and not hate. To put things succinctly good fences make good neighbours. Apparently you agree with me yet you still find my opinion spiteful and hateful. Once again it seems like we will not see each others perspective.
Come on, they were simply trying to catch the bus to nyc
Surprise surprise.....all charges dropped and all 180 illegals that were arrested for attacking the national guard were released into the country scott free.

So many white trash racist losers ITT. Go back to your trailer parks, drink your cheap dogpiss beer, and just generally go be the white trash bottom of society people that you are, and leave the rest of us the fuck alone that are trying to run a functioning society.

I am beyond sick and tired of the trailer park white trash people in the US getting uppity and thinking they're going to be the ones running the show via Donald Trump. You are not. You are white trash. You live in trailer parks. You use chewing tobacco until your teeth fall out. You're meth addicts. You people are at the absolute bottom of society's hierarchy, and it used to be that you white trash trailer people knew your position in society, and you shut the fuck up and got in line. That's what we need to get back to. I am beyond fed up with the 60 IQ, barely sentient, white trash sister fuckers telling everyone else how things are going to be. Shut the fuck up, get back to your trailer meth lab, pop out another turd with your sister Brenadine, and shut. the. fuck. up.
I'm not even a redneck but if I heard you talking this way in person I'd slide my dick down your throat. That's right, I'm hard as a rock right now just imagining it.

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