If you're an American and you don't like Colby

lol Colby is everything that is wrong with America
Colby threads are hilarious. Always so much butthurt from soft liberals!
He's actually underrated. He did everything Usman did but better and people dont seem to remember that
LOL. Colby will be covered easily by the Nigerian Blanket. Usman is better at everything.
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. This guy embodies the American dream. High school state Champion. Juco national champ. D1 Scholly. D1 All American. Bachelors Degree. UFC champ.

And he gets shit on by fellow Americans.

He's more American than you will ever be. What kind of champ does this:

Literally flew out on his own dime.

And for all you fucking losers who say he pays to hang out with girls/hookers, you couldn't be more wrong. He's the champ and gets treated like one; he literally has dimes flocking to him:

Neckbeards stop hating just because he was everything you weren't.

I didn't even ead this crock of shit. Good job wasting yourr pathetic life troll.
Case in point!

this has nothing to do with being a liberal, to be honest, i dislike a lot of the shit they are trying to push on everyone. I also despise many "conservative" ways of thinking.

The problem with America is people like you, who try to label people as liberals or conservatives, prior to labeling them as Americans. You care more about proving the "other side" wrong than you do about the good of the country.

It's kind of pathetic how an immigrant from a shithole country can realize this, but, you full blooded patriots are too blind to see.
a bachelors degree in closeted homosexuality is not really that impressive tbh
You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. This guy embodies the American dream. High school state Champion. Juco national champ. D1 Scholly. D1 All American. Bachelors Degree. UFC champ.

snip snip snip

Your post is ALMOST as cringy as the man itself.
Good effort, though.
Right? Cause nothing is more american than bragging about having sex with prostitutes.
He's doing all these visits and no one probably knows who he is
He's actually underrated. He did everything Usman did but better and people dont seem to remember that

sherdog said woodley win over maia is meaning less cause maia is so old. so how do colby fans thing his win over maia is so amazing?

there was a reason why colby lost it interm belt when he didnt have the guts to fight woodley at ufc 228.
Every single country - every one - produces jerks that hide behind nationalism and the flag. The US maybe less so as it is so unpopular to be pro-USA these days. Colby flies the American flag to be sure and backs it up with action, but that doesn't mean he isn't an asshole.

He isn't my pick as a US ambassador of sport. I find him offensive. Many Americans do. Ever think that these troops he is snuggling up to so he can prop up his own image might feel the same way? Think about it.
Anyone wearing a MAGA hat is a douche. Only for white males has the past ever been better in the USA. For women, homosexuals and people of color, things are only getting better. "Homosexual acts" were still illegal in 14 states in 2003. No homosexual would ever go, remember the good old days? As bad as the Obama years may have been, by whatever metric, the Bush years were worse. The Clinton years worse yet. The RnB years... You get the picture.

I'm not a Trump hater. He's batshit crazy and a warmonger. But so are MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the American mainstream news. Why would I single out one crazy over the others? I'm also not an American. Nobody is more pro-abortion than me, but if Americans want to ban abortions, that's on them. I'm just pointing out the stupidity of the MAGA hat. Or more precisely, pointing at that we know exactly what MAGA stands for. People who are wearing MAGA attire are fooling nobody about their intent.
im Canadian and i hate him but i think my nationality has little to do with that.....yknow cus he's a fucking douchebag...nothing worse than a mouthy fighter who is also boring as fuck, if he came out before every fight like "im gonna wrestlefuck you to the ground and throw bitch punches for 15-25 minutes", i'd respect him more for not being completely full of shit at least lol.