Social "If you want to shop here, you need to take off that shirt!"

If the dude is proselytizing or soliciting the owners of this private business can certainly ask him to go. If the owners are just reading people’s shirts and asking people to leave bc they don’t like the content that is creepy. I might quit shopping at a place that just likes to censor what people where there whether I agree with the message or not.
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I think he was asked to leave less for the "Jesus" part of the shirt and more for the "coexist" (written with religious symbols, "t" being the christian cross) crossed over.

Exactly this... unfortunately most people respond to this video without seeing what was on the back of his shirt.

I think most people agree that displaying or passively promoting your own religion is fine and should be respected, but attacking other religions steps over a line.

Religious symbols with cross through them is offensive... and while he has a right to be offensive in public, a private business doesn't have to put up with it.

This is the shirt he was wearing:
Exactly this... unfortunately most people respond to this video without seeing what was on the back of his shirt.

This is the shirt he was wearing:

Religious symbols with cross through them is offensive... and while he has a right to be offensive in public, a private business doesn't have to put up with it.

Yeah okay. After seeing that I'm a little more sympathetic to them for giving him the boot. He's now entering into the area of provoking others vs just expressing his own religious views. @jk7707 I amend my previous post, your comparison was actually valid, I'm man enough to admit I didn't have all the info.

I still think we gotta tread carefully on trying to tamp down on this type stuff, but I definitely understand more the reasons behind it.

Also, I am pretty sure the teachings of Jesus were all about inclusion so this dude's shirt seems to miss the mark by a wide margin just on that. Esp the Star of David LOL...Jesus was a Jew.
Exactly this... unfortunately most people respond to this video without seeing what was on the back of his shirt.

I think most people agree that displaying or passively promoting your own religion is fine and should be respected, but attacking other religions steps over a line.

Religious symbols with cross through them is offensive... and while he has a right to be offensive in public, a private business doesn't have to put up with it.

This is the shirt he was wearing:
Funny thing is Jesus is mentioned in the Quran more than No, and is one of their big 3 prophets.

Dumb shirt, but whatever.
Lol. Even on here, an anonymous forum, most people zip their yaps about the religion of insecurity. No way anyone would say anything about Islam in real life. Whether relevant or not that religion is exempt from criticism from the "left". Why? Because it's not seen as the religion of the white man despite the fact that old Mo was a pale skinned dude while Jesus was decidedly middle eastern looking.

Intolerant people suck, whether religous or not it's irrelevant. But a t shirt isn't a reason to kick people out of a store unless it's clearly meant to incite. And I didn't watch the video so no idea what went on there.

it’s probably due to the fact that Islam has not invaded multiple different continents and murdered millions of innocent civilians

or maybe it’s because most of congress are Christians and are actively reworking laws to ban normal shit like abortion and homosexuality
it’s probably due to the fact that Islam has not invaded multiple different continents and murdered millions of innocent civilians

or maybe it’s because most of congress are Christians and are actively reworking laws to ban normal shit like abortion and homosexuality
Huh? Islam has wiped out all other competing religions in the middle east, the place of origin of Christianity. Most recently this has happened in Lebanon.

If you want to conflate religion with governments we could always talk about the Ottoman empire as well.
Uncalled for, mall cop needs to be fired.

Jesus shirt, darwin fish shirt, buddha shirt, hindu shirt, etc. Freedom of religion and freedom to promote your religion. And mall cop can put on a weight watchers shirt if he likes.
Apparently he was preaching outside, but not inside the mall.

They told him that wearing the shirt was the same as soliciting.

I hate religion myself, but they're impeding on this mans right to free speech.
Since when is the mall a highschool that they can tell you what to wear?
Dont really know what Islam has has to do with the topic.

As opposed to...

It is alway interesting to see Christians attempt to control society (not that this man is doing so), then get upset when society pushes back. Now personally i have no problem with this man wearing his shirt or religious symbols, and think it is fucked up that to tell him he needs to take off his shirt.

We are seeing some push back against many of the hateful Christians that spread hateful messaging, ex "Homosexuals are going to hell" "those books are witchcraft". It is unfortunate that Christian that are not spreading hateful messaging and are more accepting of other will have to deal ith the fall out of what the extremists have caused.

But hey, you sneaked in that "I don't have a problem with this guy" line, so it makes the rest of your rant totally on topic...
As opposed to...
The shirt the guy in the video is wearinng. Did i miss that he was Muslim?
But hey, you sneaked in that "I don't have a problem with this guy" line, so it makes the rest of your rant totally on topic...

I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasnt for you pesky kids.
Apparently he was preaching outside, but not inside the mall.

They told him that wearing the shirt was the same as soliciting.

It might be the Coexist crossed out in the back.
As a Catholic I would ask him why he couldn't just have the Jesus Saves part instead of the stuff on the back of the shirt because Jesus wouldnt have worn a shirt with "Coexist" crossed out.
I'm far from religious, but those in power need to try and eradicate western religion so they can fully immerse the population in 'their religion' - social justice topics designed to divide, conquer and dominate people through thought manipulation.

this doesn’t make any sense. If they want division and are using “sj” topics to achieve it why would they want to eradicate religion since it’s a huge opponent of “sj” topics like LGBQT lifestyle? You’re arguing they are eradicating a group on the other end of the spectrum and in constant conflict with the sj culture which would cause less division if the vocal other way of thinking is now gone…because they want more conflict?

If they wanted more conflict they’d want religion present to conflict with the other side.
Funny thing is Jesus is mentioned in the Quran more than No, and is one of their big 3 prophets.
He's not mentioned more in the Quran. You're thinking of Mother Mary. She is mentioned more times in the Quran than in the Bible.

Jesus is mentioned in the bible 900-1300 times, depending on translation.
In the Quran its around 93.