Social "If you want to shop here, you need to take off that shirt!"

As a Christian he shouldn't be surprised by this. Jesus himself said his followers will be hated.

Matthew 10:22
New International Version

22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
The mall management doesn't want a dude wandering around causing a scene. He's a repeat offender as far as violating the "no soliciting" policy both inside and outside the mall.
It is alway interesting to see Christians attempt to control society (not that this man is doing so), then get upset when society pushes back. Now personally i have no problem with this man wearing his shirt or religious symbols, and think it is fucked up that to tell him he needs to take off his shirt.

We are seeing some push back against many of the hateful Christians that spread hateful messaging, ex "Homosexuals are going to hell" "those books are witchcraft". It is unfortunate that Christian that are not spreading hateful messaging and are more accepting of other will have to deal ith the fall out of what the extremists have caused.
As a Christian he shouldn't be surprised by this. Jesus himself said his followers will be hated.

Matthew 10:22
New International Version

22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.


Should he not defend himself?
Should he seek refuge in a bible verse which will give him an excuse to back down?
How about him standing up for freedom of speech and religion?(The Left will riot to get what they want)
The mall management doesn't want a dude wandering around causing a scene. He's a repeat offender as far as violating the "no soliciting" policy both inside and outside the mall.

"He" is not the problem because "he" can stay if he takes off the shirt!
The mall cop gives the context. He said "other customers found the shirt offensive".

If the guy broke some law or was harassing people, taking his shirt off wouldn't solve that, and they wouldn't tell him he can continue shopping without the shirt.

There are lots of scenarios where context would change things. An argument that starts halfway through would change would change if it turns out the other person started it. The only thing that seems like it would change this is the guy harassing people, but then they would kick him out for harassing people, but that would/should get him kicked out for that, not just telling him he can stay if he takes off the offensive shirt.
So, in terms of my earlier post, we'd be choosing option A, guy's a tool. Even so, that would leave me wanting to know how many complaints there were, who made them--tenants and their staff or customers, the nature of the complaint--i.e. specify the precise part that offends, and whether t-shirt guy hand any direct interaction with the complainants before coming to a firm conclusion in my view of the incident.
That's fair enough, but the most you could claim is that they should have kicked him out regardless of his shirt. You can harass people in a spiderman costume, but you kick them out for harassing people, and don't tell them they can harass people as long as they're not wearing the spiderman costume.

Either the guy is the problem or the shirt is the problem. The guy isn't less of a problem wearing a different shirt.
The mall management doesn't want a dude wandering around causing a scene. He's a repeat offender as far as violating the "no soliciting" policy both inside and outside the mall.

But he can stay as long as he takes off the shirt?? Uhhh...
Rent a cop is a tool if it's just about the shirt, but where are all the people who say "we can't just go by that short clip--who knows what happened before the camera started rolling" in any other circumstance involving a white guy in uniform giving a hard time to a black guy in public?

Even that fucking karen harassing the guy with the dog in the park got the temporary benefit of the doubt from these people. But no, this one incident with one fat tool in a uniform bothering some zealot over his appearance is some how a sign of the end of civilization despite zero context.

We'll just put a check mark for you in the Authoritarian anti-Free Speech category.

Thanks for playing.
Not surprised, it's been open season on religious people in this country going on 15 years now. What is he soliciting exactly? Values, love, and selflessness?
There’s no “open season” on religious people. People are pushing back, and you’re not getting your way anymore.
I'm far from religious, but those in power need to try and eradicate western religion so they can fully immerse the population in 'their religion' - social justice topics designed to divide, conquer and dominate people through thought manipulation.

This is all correct. The Establishment want to keep people poor and divided, because if the people were well off and unified, the people would notice the thievery and corruption of the Establishment ruling class.
There’s no “open season” on religious people. People are pushing back, and you’re not getting your way anymore.
Pushing back against what exactly? Pushing back against the prospect of people voluntarily holding themselves morally accountable to a higher power?

This kind of nonsense is alarmingly typical these days, they have you brainwashed
I live in the Bible Belt, and Walmart won’t let you shop there unless you’re wearing that shirt. Hell a few cities over they don’t even sell beer anywhere or at gas stations.
This is all correct. The Establishment want to keep people poor and divided, because if the people were well off and unified, the people would notice the thievery and corruption of the Establishment ruling class.

It does seem like certain elites are hellbent on a return to something resembling medieval servitude - maybe because their insider knowledge knows we're fucked and they need to have the population as enslaved as possible. Religion was the ideal tool for this in days gone by. But its now extremely uncool and less and less of the younger generations in the west are bothered with it. Maybe a new Religion would be the answer.

It'll be called "science" and "social justice" but really it'll be big government using government approved versions of both to keep the plebs on their knees. Everyone equally poor, equally trapped and pinned in one place...
But hey, we promised equality right? We gave you it. You all should be content now.
Yeah! No more Free Speech for you Jesus lovers! We'll just put a check mark for you in the Authoritarian anti-Free Speech category.

Once again, your freedom of speech isn’t being violated.
Thanks for playing.

A lot of people who say they want free speech just want to be in control of what speech is free.

If you pay attention to the people who fall back to the free speech argument, it’s usually not free speech in the legal sense. It’s that they don’t like that when they say something and people push back.
You’re not being silenced. You’re allowed to have that opinion, and people are allowed to tell you that you’re wrong. That’s literally free speech.