If you mums a vampire...


Fear God
Apr 6, 2002
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Man uses silver dagger to 'kill' vampire mum

A man in Transylvania plunged a silver dagger into the heart of his dead mother because he thought she was a vampire.

Nicolae Mihut stabbed his own mum Anghelina through the heart the day before her funeral, according to reports from Romania.

It's alleged a local priest in the village in Transylvania, original home of Count Dracula, told him his dead mother showed the signs of being a vampire.

Nicoleae had earlier seen a cat jump over her coffin - a sign showing the transformation of the dead into the undead in Romanian folklore.

He also saw that his mother's lips and cheeks were tinged blood red and fearing she was still alive, called the local priest. He told the grieving son she was a vampire - and Nicolae followed local custom to ensure his mother didn't become zombie-like vampire.

Nicolae told Romania's Romnet press agency: "We know from our ancestors that when a soul doesn't leave the body of a dead person somebody has to stab that person with a silver knife in the chest or the stomach."

He added: "When the knife pierced her heart we all heard a very long sigh and the body became rigid and very pale, unlike before.

"It was terrifying but we had to do it. We were told that if we didn't release her soul she would have come back to haunt us or to even kill us."
This is the sweetest thing I have ever read, not including Penthouse Forum 7/4/96.
I think my girlfriends mum may be one, but she is alive...could I get away with stabbing her through the heart anyway?
This man has obviously not read his folklore -

silver weaponry is reserved for werewolves and other lycanthropes, wooden stakes are used for vampires.

Even then you generally need to decapitate the vampire after staking it to ensure its demise. At the very least leave the body for the sun!

- The Jake
So Jake, you are saying if I wish to get rid of the potential vampire, I should also decapitate her...ok whatever it takes
Originally posted by The Jake
This man has obviously not read his folklore -

silver weaponry is reserved for werewolves and other lycanthropes, wooden stakes are used for vampires.

Even then you generally need to decapitate the vampire after staking it to ensure its demise. At the very least leave the body for the sun!

- The Jake

Sorry Jake but there are many myths concerning vampires and beliefs vary with different regions. ex-

In the folklore archives of the University of California at Berkeley, there is the recorded testimony of an immigrant from eastern Germany. This immigrant said that in his native land wolfsbane and silver knives were placed under mattresses and cribs to keep away both werewolves and vampires.

I haven't found any credible examples in folk belief where the bullet is blessed, but there is a precedent for silver bullets used against vampires in folklore. In the archives of the University of California at Berkeley, there is an account from a Serbian immigrant who said that a silver coin with a cross on it could be broken into four pieces, loaded into a shot gun, and fired to kill a vampire. (I haven't read the Berkeley document myself; my source here is Vampires, Burial, and Death by Paul Barber, footnote on p. 54.)
Originally posted by seldomTap
So Jake, you are saying if I wish to get rid of the potential vampire, I should also decapitate her...ok whatever it takes

The folklore varies but that is the most common means of thoroughly disposing of a vampire.

If you don't have access to sunlight, also borrow a jerry can full of petrol and some matches. Vampires don't take too well to fire either.

- The Jake
What about garlic? i hear they don't like that much either...
Decapitation always works. And its a really cool effect!

OKAY, Hex, if there's one thing I know about mythology, it's vampires (Wilhelm will prolly back me on this one).

The reason that the silver objects are tied to lycanthropy is to do with the cause of their changes. Silver is said to be the mental of the moon (luna) according to folklore and thus closely tied to their changes (lycanthropes' shape shifting abilities are closely tied to the moon).

Whilst you could certainly argue the same of vampires, the spiritual/cultural significants is much deeper for lycanthropes than vampires because the vampires powers do not stem from the moon directly where it has been argued that is the case for lycanthropes.

YES there has been some suggestions culturally that silver has worked on vampires, but I was reciting the most common and proven means of dispatching the fockers. You see, across cultural lines there are many, many disparate means of killing vampires.

Some say the stakes must be made of a special wood, others that it doesn't have to be wood, others indicate iron (??). Others suggest eucharist wafers, holy water and other objects blessed b those of true faith work. Only problem is in this day and age, how do you know if a priest has true faith? Others say holy objects do shit. It all depends upon what country you're in and the religious history of the area

Your silver knife/shotgun theory sounds pretty but you're forgetting that one of the key universal traits shared across all cultural boundaries is that vampire's have the damn ability to regenerate any damage they sustain. So to do the job PROPERLY you need to ensure it's demise you need to destroy the corpse.

Stake + decapitation + fire = one dead vampire

Simple formula, one that is widely accepted cross culturally.

More religious nations would suggest stuffing the mouth with eucharist wafers and sewing the mouth shut before decapitation but I really don't think that's required if I'm dousing the bastard in petrol and setting him alight.

I wish I could cite my sources from the one book, but I've studied this in too much depth over the years to be naming too many.

- The Jake
Stake + decapitation + fire = one dead vampire
Simple formula, one that is widely accepted cross culturally.
- The Jake [/B]
That pretty much sums it up!

I do not trust the silver and vampires means. Granted some books out there cover it and I've read supposed cases of where this is the case too (from books with the same sources as that one you were reading most likely), but most of the other literature I've read out there suggests that person in question most likely (in all actuality) killed a werewolf and not a vampire. Don't forget that the werewolf and a vampire share similar powers (regeneration, the ability to shape shift into a wolf being two off the top of my head).

Hope that helps.

I have a heap of books on this I could pull out but they've all been boxed in my garage along with all my really good secret society books :(

- The Jake
Wesely Snipes uses a hell of alot of silver to kill vampires in the Blade movies.

Silver bullets, silver stakes etc.

Blade is, I think the most culturally correct vampire movie ever made;)
That wasn't my point...you had said that he hadn't read his folklore and my point was that the way he thought he was doing away with the vampire was probably passed down through the generations in his village or region and therefore was local folklore. When dealing with a mythical creature you can't say that there is a right or wrong way to go about things so it basically comes down to belief. Coming from Transylvania this man was probably entrenched in superstition from a young age and truly believed he was doing the right thing. My point is when it comes to myth who is to say that your book read knowledge holds any more truth than this man's ancestral beliefs.
i want to be a vampire like Bladeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
you cant kill a vampire at all...

Originally posted by osiris
Wesely Snipes uses a hell of alot of silver to kill vampires in the Blade movies.

True. In reality, Snipes is indeed an authority in vampire removal. Looks like that settled the argument.
Hex -

I read what you're saying but I feel you're missing my point.

Using silver as a means of dispatching a vampire might be accepted in a handful of cultures, but stakes + decapitation + fire is accepted cross culturally.

If you want to trust your silver katana and bullets like Blade you go right ahead. I'll stick with the proven means.

PS: Did I mention my grandfather was from Hungary? :)

- The Jake
thats wierd...my grandfather is from michigan
Originally posted by Fat Bobby

True. In reality, Snipes is indeed an authority in vampire removal. Looks like that settled the argument.

Don't trust the one source kid.

That's my point.

- The Jake