If You Don't Mind Sharing, How Tall Are You and What is Your Weight?

Everyone is coming in heavy here

I'm 6' and 82kg 180lbs. Body fat high of 12%, low 9%.

Usually keep my workouts quick and frequent with circuits. Around 100 pull ups per session, 5km warm up runs etc. I cycle a lot and try to do some indoor rock climbing once a month. I haven't boxed in years but did train regularly throughout my 20s/early 30s.
I'm probably one of the smallest guys around here, always been a smaller guy. 5"7 160-165. My job is a pretty good workout by itself, but I should definitely get to the gym. I'm not in bad shape though. My frame is very thin, so for me 155 would probably be an optimal weight. I've been as a low as 125 a few years ago and as high as 185. I used to train taekwondo and boxing, but I gave it up.
Having a job that involves manual labor definitely helps. For better or worse I haven't had a job like that for a LONG time...
182 cm, so basically 6' foot. But didn't measureyself since school.
Wingspan 184 cm, due to broad shoulders.
Weight 118.5 kg. Due to not exercising 3 years. Before that was active and around 104 kg.

Body type, fat legs, big gluteus, big back, wide shoulders. Gain fat on belly and gluteus mostly.
Athletic looking legs, arms and shoulders.

Currently high % body fat.

Huge head.

Excecise regime, fuck exercising. Nah been really lazy. But am getting back to it. Used to be somewhat athletic and go to kickboxing classes and the fitness gym.

I def need kickboxing classes those motivate and sweat me up like nothing else

Workouts are 1 of 2. 1 kickboxing class. 2 fitness gym lifting weights, mostly free weights, and hitting the heavybag, and doing random exercises. I'm more philosophicaly a doer in the gym and not a planer. Not planing or counting exercises or regimes. Just coming lifting weights, doing push ups, battle ropes, anything, and doing some rounds on the heavy bag.

Notorious non runner. Hate running. Will jog 10 minutes at mediocre intensity for warm up.

Favorite exercises are sparring, heavybag and bench press. Also like overhead press.

Ideal weight would be between 90 and 105 kg. At 105 kg if I'm exercising regulary, I already have a flat stomach at that weight. Curently out of shape, not per se a fat guy but big belly, gluteus, some roundness in the face. Rest looks as I would describe it strong. But clearly need to lose 15kg fat.
Im 6' 285
I don't have time for exercise because Im non stop renovating my house.

Hands are strong as an ox, but I need knee and shoulder surgery.

Im not really fat but I have a big beer belly but I don't drink alcohol...its really a milk belly lol.

Bro were both fat. I'm at 118.5 kg and 6 too. Well sort of fat. Fat enough to be somewhat fat

I got a milk belly to am Dairy crazy. Or candy belly. Call it too much olive oil belly.

And no time for exercising doesn't count.
6'2" 200
187cm 91kg in the modern system.

Don't do any specific exercises but 2 young boys and a dog provides reasonable activity.

Want to get back into kicking things (MT) and lifting heavy things (heavyish tbh), but very time poor.