If You Don't Mind Sharing, How Tall Are You and What is Your Weight?

Hollywood Jack

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Jul 2, 2013
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Also feel free to share your exercise regimen, if you have one. And what your body type is, if you seem to fit one or more in particular.

I'm 6'0" (183 cm) tall. I weighed myself just now this morning and I weighed exactly 201 lbs (91 kg). My wingspan is 71" (180 cm), so roughly the same, or slightly shorter than my height. Based on my height, weight and build, I believe I'm an endo-mesomoprh. I have some qualities of a mesomoprh like being naturally muscular and able to build muscle easily, but also some qualities of an endomorph in being big boned and susceptible to gaining fat easily and having relatively short limbs.

My exercise routine currently is to jog almost every day, roughly 2 miles (3.2 km). I do body weight squats in my house, like maybe 250 in segments of 25 throughout the day. I do calf raises maybe 100 times in segments of 20. I go to the gym roughly 3x/week. And use free weights mainly. I don't like to lift heavy, I don't feel like I need to.

I don't currently work with a trainer. I try to incorporate some of the things I learned from him. He was a former college football player and is currently a power lifter. He mainly focused on building core strength for me. I still feel the benefits from that training to this day, even though I'm not necessarily doing the same exercises currently. I ordered some free weights so that I can use them in my home and not just at the gym.

Anyway, what's going on with you guys in terms of stuff like this, if you're willing to share...
187 lbs
Weight lift in home gym and a lot of walking at the moment. Naturally muscular farm stock checking in.
Oh shit i meant 6’11” and 390lbs with 10% body fat. Mod please delete this post.
6'1", 195 lbs.

Run between 5km and 20km 5 to 7 times a week. Walk quite a lot everyday too, and ride a bike / do spinning multiple times per week. I tend to do very long hikes on the weekend.

Strength train twice a week.
6’2 , 215-220lbs , I’m working to get back to 200 lbs at least. I feel this weight always was my best optimal weigh to do sport and feel good in my everyday life.
5’11” and around 240. Got my strength back up where it was in college, just got to lose about 10 or so more pounds to look a little leaner in the waist.

I do a bastardized program that is a mix of stuff I like from madcow and some other Bill star programs

I have a heavybag and double end bag set up

although I rarely hit the bag anymore
but I do a couple rounds day on the double end bag and play around with the reballdo

I quit running when i quit doing boxing as anything but a hobby

I do love skipping so that is always part of my workouts

I also carry my plates up and down my apt building stairs for an improvised farmer's walk
but I have been slacking on that
I'm 172cm, my weight at the start of 2021 was around 80kg, was slowly losing weight until start of 2022 when I was 67kg, and I start to go to the gym and bulk. Right now I'm 76kg wearing the same pants as I was at 67kg.
I may be the smallest man on Sherdog based on this thread.

5'10 and 170lbs.

I run 10k a few times a week, lift weights and recently got back into BJJ.
6'1", went off diet for a couple of weeks so I weighed in at 278 lbs. this past Friday.

5/3/1 - 3x/week
BJJ - 2x/week, sometimes 3x
Yoga/men's health focused stretching routine in the morning - 3x/week
6'3", 215lbs

Strength training, 2-3x/week. Full-body workouts; squats, deads, chins, presses, etc.

Conditioning: 4-5xweek. Usually running ~6 miles. Sometimes biking, stepmill, incline walking, etc. Occassionally will play basketball, do bag work, circuits, etc.

Mobility: daily 10-15 minutes of static stretching.

Diet: 3 meals/day. High protein, moderate carbs, moderate fat. Nothing too complex or strict; just eat mostly a variety of nutrient-dense plant and animal foods. Less processed is better.
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6'2.5 tall, 210lbs, size 12 shoe.

8.5in dong in case Tidwell is lurking this thread.
Kind of a weird thing with me is that I was 6'1" and am now 6'0" and wear 13 wide. I find it funny when guys who are like 6'4" or taller or at least taller than me, tell me that they're size 12.

And no, I'm not Tidwell so I don't care about dick size. :)
I may be the smallest man on Sherdog based on this thread.

5'10 and 170lbs.

I run 10k a few times a week, lift weights and recently got back into BJJ.

Nope, it's just because Asian haven't entered the thread before your post. There are quite a few of us here actually.

I'm 5'7 and 110lb. I'm underweight even by Asian standard. I remember there are a couple of us around 5'7 to 5'9 under 170lbs here. I have a tiny frame, best I can think of is that of Anthony Pettis.

I used to ran marathon, could probably still do if I had 6 weeks or so to train.
I go to the gym twice thrice a week. Would be skinnier if I skip them.

I don't have any strict diet, but I don't eat fast food or canned food.
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