If you could live anywhere

I agree with the middle of nowhere get the Fuck away from all the shitty people posts but TS is a chef/bartender. Sounds like he needs a big city to make a living.
I will spend winters in Vegas when retire. Hope to spend time in Tuscany too.
i can deal with mountain lions and black bear, but somewhere not near any grizzlies or wolves.
Not here thats for fucking sure. Or any major city.
This past 12 years in Downtown Oakland has me itchin to move back into the woods.
In the US... where would it be??

My life is wide open right now. I’m 32, no wife or kids, and I’ve got quite a hefty chunk in savings. I currently am staying in my hometown near Knoxville, TN, in the mountains.. looking at taking a vacation in 2 weeks to recon some places on the West Coast, Starting in Vegas for 4 days then open from there.

Where would/do you live? Good city recommendations? I’ve worked in the Culinary field for 15 yrs (chef, bartender) so I can find work anywhere.. wanting to take a coding boot camp from home in the Spring. Looking for warmer weather and beautiful women.. is CA a no go right now?

Going from Appalachia to CA is going to be tough. The sticker shock of how goddamn expensive it is to live there on top of the tax situation makes it completely not worth it. I would know, I moved from western PA to the Bay Area. From there I moved to Dallas and now I'm in Nashville. The only way I'd move back to CA is if they clean up their streets, eliminate their state income tax, and make gasoline less than $4/gallon.......so never.

However, if money were no object and I were financially set I'd like to end up somewhere with real mountains. CO is great year round if you like to do outdoorsy stuff and it's the fittest state in America. So if finding girl that's in shape and who takes care of herself is a priority you're better off there since they've got the lowest percentage of fatties.
In the US... where would it be??

My life is wide open right now. I’m 32, no wife or kids, and I’ve got quite a hefty chunk in savings. I currently am staying in my hometown near Knoxville, TN, in the mountains.. looking at taking a vacation in 2 weeks to recon some places on the West Coast, Starting in Vegas for 4 days then open from there.

Where would/do you live? Good city recommendations? I’ve worked in the Culinary field for 15 yrs (chef, bartender) so I can find work anywhere.. wanting to take a coding boot camp from home in the Spring. Looking for warmer weather and beautiful women.. is CA a no go right now?
In the states....I'd like to live in Alaska or Hawaii or the Northern Mariana Islands
In the US... where would it be??

My life is wide open right now. I’m 32, no wife or kids, and I’ve got quite a hefty chunk in savings. I currently am staying in my hometown near Knoxville, TN, in the mountains.. looking at taking a vacation in 2 weeks to recon some places on the West Coast, Starting in Vegas for 4 days then open from there.

Where would/do you live? Good city recommendations? I’ve worked in the Culinary field for 15 yrs (chef, bartender) so I can find work anywhere.. wanting to take a coding boot camp from home in the Spring. Looking for warmer weather and beautiful women.. is CA a no go right now?

San Francisco probably. Or Colorado.

But rather stay in Japan or South Korea.
Hawaii would be great for me. I enjoy sitting at the beach watching all the hot chicks walk by.
Cayman Islands

Went once on vacation and i fell in love with the place.Problem is that it's fucking expensive living there
If you want to experience California and not break the bank since the pay in your field can be all over the place, especially now with COVID. I would consider Sacramento. Rent is relatively cheap compared to the SF Bay Area, LA, OC, SD, but you still get a slice of good food, pretty good night life (pre-COVID) and affordability. You also have many things to do all around you. You still can do day trips to SF, Napa, Tahoe, Reno. You are several hours away from places like Yosemite/Eastern Sierras, Santa Cruz/Monterey/Carmel, Mt Shasta, Northern Coast of CA. 5-6 hours away from So-Cal, 7-8 hours away from Vegas.

Keep in mind though that cost of living will still be much higher then what you are probably use to.
So many great American cities have gone to shit in the last decade. San Francisco is a great example. I'd like to visit a lot of places, but I'll live here in good old South Carolina.
been considering moving out of NYC recently.
probably someplace a bit remote, ideally 30+ minutes from the closest city. and ideally warmer than NYC in winter.
Sounds like you want SoCal.

Personally, I love cold weather and snow. The only downside of northern lattitudes is the sun coming up at 8am and going down at 4pm.