I dislike Hall.
I also massively resent the fact that Vitor is about to finish his UFC career against an overrated charlatan from TUF.
The worst part is that Vitor has declined so much that this could end up with the nightmare scenario that he actually loses this fight that a couple of years ago would have ended with Hall in a body bag...
This fight feels like classic UFC booking of making a faded legend fight a heavy handed prospect to bolster the prospect, and provide reason to cut the big money contract old timer... It really sucks that they're doing it to Vitor with one of the most overrated and over hyped fighters ever - I hope Vitor twitches him out like Lindland, but I fear that this is a paper dream... But one can only hope. I'll go apeshit if he knocks Hall out too.
War The Phenom
War Vitor back in the day.
War depressed Vitor.
War crazy Vitor.
War TRT Vitor
War Dad Bod Vitor
War Retirement Fight Vitor.
One last machine gun style punching KO... Please.