If Khabib has a repeat of that R3 against Conor, he’s going to sleep in a pool of his own blood.

Whoa big fella. Dont be calling me a cunt for no reason when your sookin about your troll thread getting laughed at. What your saying is retarded. And you actually know it but doing this for attention.I'm not being a cunt I'm responding to your thread. YOUR the the cunt for asking for it and also for PRETENDING a veteran hitting cheater is worth blatantly making a fool of yourself for. The guy cheated more then anyone in the history of mma and yet here you are. Cunt

I didn't say that though...

Why you acting suprised? The last real top 5 Tony faced was RDA if you don't count old ass cowboy.

Khabib's resume > Tony's resume
1. Conrad > cowboy
2. Poirier > pettis
3. Al iaquinta > Lee 2×

Tony's last three wins after RDA were against non top 5 opponents. He faced bums in Lee, Pettis & Cowboy.

Tony has not fought Khabib, DP, Conrad or Gaethje.

Khabib Bless
...Tony doesn’t want to fight top 5’s...
Why you acting suprised? The last real top 5 Tony faced was RDA if you don't count old ass cowboy.
Khabib's resume > Tony's resume
1. Conrad > cowboy
2. Poirier > pettis
3. Al iaquinta > Lee 2×
Tony's last three wins after RDA were against non top 5 opponents. He faced bums in Lee, Pettis & Cowboy. Tony has not fought Khabib, DP, Conrad or Gaethje.
Khabib Bless

HOLD UP!! [<diva4}

I don't need you to tell me anything about my favorite fighters resume and I don't need anyone to rub my nose in a comparison between Khabibs v Tonys.

My comment was specifically about a ridiculous comment that deserved to be mocked and your reply has nothing to do with the context of my post.

Very sneaky move you tried there.

<{1-9}>I see you... upload_2020-1-26_7-59-5.png

No room for snakes here. I'm going to call you Snakemaster

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