Idea's for Man Caves

Excessive apostrophes...

...because we need to stick with the connotation that anything manly is stupid.

Way to keep it alive.
Excessive apostrophes...

...because we need to stick with the connotation that anything manly is stupid.

Way to keep it alive.

And yet we're on a MMA website.
When to check out some stuff today, was checking out some pool tables. I seriously have no idea what the difference is between the 2000 dollar tables and the 10000 dollar ones. I asked the guy at the store but I think he thought I was joking and kinda laughed. Am I supposed to know this as a man?

I think I am just going to deck it out like a nice pub style some of the ideas here are cool tho. I like the old coke machine idea.
When to check out some stuff today, was checking out some pool tables. I seriously have no idea what the difference is between the 2000 dollar tables and the 10000 dollar ones. I asked the guy at the store but I think he thought I was joking and kinda laughed. Am I supposed to know this as a man?

I think I am just going to deck it out like a nice pub style some of the ideas here are cool tho. I like the old coke machine idea.

There are a few things to look at with regards to a pool table (if you are serious about one). First is size. Most bar tables are seven feet long, while most of the pro tables are nine. We had an eight in our house when I grew up and it was a nice middle ground. Obviously you have to think about what can comfortably fit in your space and still allow you to play.

As far as cost, I wouldn't go overboard. You need to worry about the stability of the table, the quality of the bumpers and the slate. Felt can always be replaced. As long as it's sturdy, flat and the bumpers have good life, I wouldn't spend crazy money on a table. It's not going to wear out like a bar/billiard room table because it won't get that used that frequently or that hard. You also don't need to spend money on a table with ball return because I doubt you want to charge your friends/deal with that mechanism.

Then again, it has to be something that you and your friends would use. If you probably won't, save that money for something else. For me, it would probably be one of the first things that I would put in a room like that.
1. workout gym, exercise equipment
2. mma/boxing training and sparring space (matted floor, heavybags, dbl end, speedbag, etc.)
3. general woodworking facilities (bonus that cedar smell, etc.)
4. simple TV/VCR setup, not even flatscreen (trust me)
5. shelves of snacks like jerky and m&m's, fridge full of softdrinks (also holds excess groceries)
6. jukebox and/or soundsystem
7. An old couch and a few scattered (some folding) chairs

Hey, the 80s just called, and they want their decade back.


Take your balls out of your wife's purse.

I bet she gives you an allowance.

Did guys coming back from WW2 go down to their basement to hang out in the only space in the house they could claim to be their own?


Hey, the 80s just called, and they want their decade back.


Oh crap. Tell them I'm not here

(this is actually my last boss' exact garage setup, minus the boxing part- he stays in it all day after work and it's glorious)
Oh crap. Tell them I'm not here

(this is actually my last boss' exact garage setup, minus the boxing part- he stays in it all day after work and it's glorious)

LOL - I was going ask if the 'VCR' was beta.
LOL - I was going ask if the 'VCR' was beta.

There were a couple or more VCRs. The functioning one being used was VHS, at least. The dusty / broken one could be anything. That's what a garage is for, I guess. He has put a working dvd player in there the last I heard :icon_excl

Nonetheless, great times were had. Just enough entertainment and snacks to stay, a nice atmosphere and a pleasant dustiness (from the tool shop setup) which would discourage his wife from wanting to hang in there longer than a 20 seconds (she wasn't that pleasant anyway). Jokes, stories, and general BS for hours (while he would work on little stuff with his machines)- the guy really had it figured out, it was the coolest hangout without looking obvious.


haha that was funny how you nailed it off the bat, 1st post. Pure 80's in every way.
Whatever happened to the good old days, when men were men, and these manly men donned a smoking jacket, grabbed a glass of (neat) scotch, and retired to their den? Fucking man caves! The Guy Fierization of America. Full grown men with frosty tips trudging down to their man caves to play PS4 games against 15 year old Korean kids online.

Here's an idea for you, TS: get a room in your house with a fireplace, outfit it with a big oak desk, leather furniture, a small bar with some good brandy and whiskey, start accruing a library of leather bound books, place 12 gauge on wall rack, and complete the whole shebang with set of springbok antlers from your trip to South Africa.
Does he have Def Leppard - Hysteria on auto repeat?


You must be his neighbor. That's his favorite band/album. It is on auto repeat at his office (he says it works better on patient pain than local anesthesia- he's done his own experiments lol)
Whatever happened to the good old days, when men were men, and these manly men donned a smoking jacket, grabbed a glass of (neat) scotch, and retired to their den? Fucking man caves! The Guy Fierization of America. Full grown men with frosty tips trudging down to their man caves to play PS4 games against 15 year old Korean kids online.

Here's an idea for you, TS: get a room in your house with a fireplace, outfit it with a big oak desk, leather furniture, a small bar with some good brandy and whiskey, start accruing a library of leather bound books, place 12 gauge on wall rack, and complete the whole shebang with set of springbok antlers from your trip to South Africa.

Fuck that noise, TS' flipping a coin. Heads: bat cave, Tails: Starship Enterprise deck.

You must be his neighbor. That's his favorite band/album. It is on auto repeat at his office (he says it works better on patient pain than local anesthesia- he's done his own experiments lol)

I think I know 'that guy', probably more than one of them.
70 inch screen TV.
Intel core 17 gaming pc with 24 inch HD monitor.
A lenovo Y480
La - Z - Boy
Air conditioning
...and a secret hatch for my twin Desert Eagles.
on a cigar forum one time, I saw a dude put a smoking room in the corner of his mancave with a huge window looking into the main room so he could still see the tv while sitting and enjoying cigars in his basement, and wired speakers into his big screen from the other room so he could hear it, the HVAC was disconnected and he had a nice air-lock door and had a super nice exhaust pointing right out of his house so the rest of the house didnt smell...i cant find the link but it was damn impressive. if I was going to build one, the big room would be an irish pub/husker bar with a pinball and foosball table, and i brew beer so i'd have some kegs set up to tap on the bar, adn i'd do the small smoking room with two-four nice leather chairs in there...ill keep searching for the thread

edit: found it, the ventilation is actuallly kinda genius
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If I had a man cave, the soundsystems, big ass TV's, reclainers etc would be companied with these.




And a titty calendar.

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