I went to the shittiest gym ever tonight


Silver Belt
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
So I'm back home in New Jersey from San Diego, taking care of college stuff, went to a wedding, and scouting out a new gym. I went to this one gym tonight which I had a bad feeling about before I even went. The place advertises on it's website that some black belt from ATT is the instructor there. When I show up though it's a couple of blue belts teaching, and these blue belts are like medium to high white belts at my school back in San Diego. The white belts that were here all seemed to be like, 3 weeks into training. I'm not arrogant at all in my abilities, but I seriously don't see my self getting anything from this gym. I don't need a black belt to teach me (the gym I'm checking out tomorrow is run by browns, and I get a way better vibe from this place) but this place just SUCKED. I'm a 4 stripe white belt and I was most likely the best person there. I wouldn't be talking shit about it if not for the fact that 1)it's one of these massive chain places 2) it was full of guys that were the sort of stereotypical asshole wrestler types who thought that since they could wrestle than they were all around great grapplers. This one guy appeared to be a great wrestler, but he didn't know shit about submissions or how to play off of his back, and he was worshipped at this place. On top of all of that, not a single person ever came up to me. I was just some sort of "weirdo" sitting in the corner and nobody inquired as to what I was doing or if I wanted info, or anything like that. Part of me knows that I'm spoiled in San Diego, but part of me knows that this place just plain old sucked.
^That sucks not only was the training bad, but the environment (people+training space) sounded pretty bad too. I find I learn the most at gyms where there are chill guys that are friendly. This way everyone trains together more as a team. I hate gyms where everyone is doing their own thing. Interaction is a key part of grappling.
Oh yeah, I forgot to point out that on the website apparantly you have to have some "attendance card" thing. Not sure what that's all about, but I hate it already. Also, you HAD to buy that places gi's. They weren't even like, Koral, or Vulkan, or whatever gis...they were just blank with the shitty gyms name on it. They didn't even have a cool patch or anything!
Might as well dish on the name at this point....

Eh, sorry. I don't really feel comfortable doing that. If you live in NJ and really want to know I guess just PM me and I'll tell you. I usually hate hate people that do this type of stuff, but I don't really like publically hating on academies either.
Oh yeah, I forgot to point out that on the website apparantly you have to have some "attendance card" thing. Not sure what that's all about, but I hate it already. Also, you HAD to buy that places gi's. They weren't even like, Koral, or Vulkan, or whatever gis...they were just blank with the shitty gyms name on it. They didn't even have a cool patch or anything!

No cool patch?!?!? Well, you'll definitely have to leave now.
Can you give the town/city? I can understand not wanting to throw out any hate, but ultimately this site is about information and the exchange of knowledge. If a place isn't up to standards, potential students have the right to know.
Hey I'm going to UCSD in the fall, there's a gym near the apartment I will be living in called "The Boxing Club" in La Jolla.

Would that be the gym you're talking about? I wanna go there cuz it's like a 5-6 minute bike ride.
to be in San Diego and not train with Saulo and Xande Ribeiro is just silliness.
ROFL that place is like 15 mins away from where i live, and i refuse to go there, opting to travel 45+ mins away to train at a legit and badass gym
Probably any of these places at the bottom of the page.

American Top Team

"Level I MMA certified academies" It's Liborio's cash in on MMA and get rich quick. Can't blame a guy for trying.

Bro, Soares is the real deal. IF he is teaching there it can't be as bad as the TS made out. :icon_neut

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uouGuISyghg&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uouGuISyghg&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Probably any of these places at the bottom of the page.

American Top Team

"Level I MMA certified academies" It's Liborio's cash in on MMA and get rich quick. Can't blame a guy for trying.

let's not bring this up again. There was already a 25+ page thread on the underground, and a 100+ page on Bullshido.
