I spoke to two people that never watched Beverly Hills Cop

Beverly Hills Cop 2 is very good. They knew how to nail down a first sequel back in those days... Lethal Weapon 2, Die Hard 2, Aliens, Rambo 2, Young Guns 2, Ghostbusters 2, etc. If the first movie was great, the smart money was that the second movie was going to be damn solid as well.

Then right around 1990 or so, everyone not named James Cameron started shitting the bed... Highlander 2, Another Stakeout, Major League 2...

Now we're friggin' rebooting Ghostbusters twice in five years and making Luke Skywalker drink space walrus milk semen. Oy vey.

Good post
Need a poll.... best sequel outta the movies listed.
Love these movies all 3 of them. I just rewatched them all with my wife mid last year or so.
I was in a lecture teaching Narcan administration, and the teacher brought up Pulp Fiction and Trainspotting to relate an anecdote. The younger people in the room (teens to early 20's) had never heard of those movies in their lives. That's when I realized just how old I was.

I'm OLD and never saw either of those movies. Every generation has things we assume everyone is aware of.
I'm OLD and never saw either of those movies.
They're kinda defining movies for Gen X. It would be like a boomer who hasnt seen The Graduate or Easy Rider.

I doubt there's a generationally defining movie for Gen Z'ers. There is too much media out there now for an entire generation to share a similar viewing experience. I guess the closest thing would be some Youtube jackass like Pewdiepie or Logan Paul.
Love these movies all 3 of them. I just rewatched them all with my wife mid last year or so.

Axel lumbering around in an elephant suit in the third one always reminded me of a cross between the opening of The Avengers with Sean Connery and Arnold putting on the Elton John glasses in Terminator 3.
Axel lumbering around in an elephant suit in the third one always reminded me of a cross between the opening of The Avengers with Sean Connery and Arnold putting on the Elton John glasses in Terminator 3.
Did that really happen? I have no memory of that movie other than a chubby Serge making an appearance
Did that really happen? I have no memory of that movie other than a chubby Serge making an appearance

Yea he does it to infiltrate the HQ and find out what's going on. Probably the worst part of the movie to be honest.
Did that really happen? I have no memory of that movie other than a chubby Serge making an appearance


Yeah, he went "undercover" at a theme park in a furry outfit. Plus the movie just ditched John Ashton and replaced him with Hector Elizondo. Axel and Judge Reinhold were played 100% for comedy like the Smothers Brothers or something, instead of 50% comedy and 50% legitimate police situations like in the first two.

But hey, it's got John Travolta's brother...
I'm 46 and I was 11 when that came out. I was too young to see it in the theatre. It was a mediocre film. Eddie Murphy in his prime made it good not great.

Yeah, he went "undercover" at a theme park in a furry outfit. Plus the movie just ditched John Ashton and replaced him with Hector Elizondo. Axel and Judge Reinhold were played 100% for comedy like the Smothers Brothers or something, instead of 50% comedy and 50% legitimate police situations like in the first two.

But hey, it's got John Travolta's brother...
Shit, I think it's for the best I don't remember any of it
Youve been placed into the "older" generation. It happens. I had a high school student working for me back in 2008 or so. I brought up Guns and Roses and she was just like "Whos that?". I was awestruck.
I've seen it and since forgot everything about it except that Eddie Murphy is in it I think? And Nick Nolte? Sort of subpar contemporary to Lethal Weapon?
I've seen it and since forgot everything about it except that Eddie Murphy is in it I think? And Nick Nolte? Sort of subpar contemporary to Lethal Weapon?
Please refer to Sigourney Weaver.
Axle F was dope but Harold threw down a banger with the Discovery imo
Never seen it, couldn't give a fuck in all honesty
Please refer to Sigourney Weaver.

I was wrong? Hmm. I remember Nolte and Murphy in some sort of film... but I also remember Murphy in some other film where he's using a payphone in a bar or some shit and dirty cops are after him. Is that Beverly Hills Cop?
Never heard of it