I lost an account bet in 2011 when Tito Ortiz submitted
Bader. I manned up and posted a really nice set of tits and was banned.
You should post the pron, call it a day, and start a new account on Sunday.
Aw, sadly the pratique of posting pr0n at the end of an account betting thread, which was the style at the time, was what led to mods kinda getting frisky about these fun events...
Can't really blame them, when the cold reality of 2 massive sherdoggers (thick accounts, impressive join dates + massive piles of posts) start throwing virtual fists, and the entire crowd chants GOATSE & GTFO to the loser on a SFW forum, and you know it will end with one of the 2 gladiators breaking the rules spamming whatever will get them banned in the most memorable way...

(and sometimes take others with them since in the heat of action, drunk sherdoggers would impulsively throw in their own side bets on accounts-lifelong avatars bets, many such cases)
And the pink belts too, at some point sherdoggers in need to pimp their accounts started spamming dumb bets to lose on purpose & get a cool shinny belt than even the green belts fat cats can't buy with all their doge coins coffers.
Sadly it led to the trend of pussies welching on bets and not even have to suffer consequences (first time I noticed it was when some loser who made a thread to say he would leave sherdog forever if Rampage lost to Fedor, and then refused to leave because excuses)
Since the PRIDE rules weren't enforced anymore (), then the thrill of account bets threads disappeared too, since "who cares, the loser will stick around anyway, let's do something else"
This is why we can't have nice things