I need some poster to transilate all the posts in this tread.

I need some poster to transilate all the posts in this tread.

I need some poster to transilate all the posts in this tread.

I speak the English and understand it until now

Я размаўляю па-ангельску і не разумею дагэтуль

Yo hablo inglés y lo entiendo hasta ahora

Eu falo o inglês e compreendo-o até agora

Mi parolas la anglan kaj komprenas ĝin ĝis nun

English Hol jatlh 'ej 'oH yaj until DaH
The pigeon saluted other eggplants for transiliation of painted hearts and bolivian. Manlet do be number peds for teh sambo 25/8.

You're welcome.
I'm just here so I don't get fined.
What do you call a self righteous actor who always makes word play jokes?

Sean Pun
