i met scott harisson last night (former wbo featherweight champ)pic


Peet Cassidy

and i got to say the guy was sound and seemed really down to earth, hes not put on much weight and he says hes gonna start training on monday and wants to meet the winner of alex arthur and guzman

Cool you got to meet him.
Shame his career ended the way it did.
It seems your chin and neck have joined forces :) J/K's

Cool pic bro. Did you get any info on who is training him and if he is looking to fight a comeback ?
It seems your chin and neck have joined forces :) J/K's
Cool pic bro. Did you get any info on who is training him and if he is looking to fight a comeback ?

lol im on the fedor diet

he says he wants to fight guzman or arthur whoever wins, he also said floyd mayweather is the best boxer in the world and that fedor is a beast, he likes mma apparently, seems like a good guy
was he drunk? no really. But he was a good fighter I suppose. He wasn't no Steve Collins though!