I love Cat but...


Brown Belt
Sep 2, 2017
Reaction score

Yes she did beat Mandy YEARS ago. She was getting her ass whooped then Mandy gassed so durable Cat took over and finished. Since then, their careers have gone completely opposite. Mandy has evolved and Cat has regressed. Her delusional entitlement of deserving a shot because she beat young, pre-ATT Mandy is getting annoying. She's fought only 4 times since that victory over Mandy in 2014 and is 1-3. She should be the last person asking for a shot at this point :rolleyes:
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She's a good fighter but she's mad as a box of frogs.
From looking at your AV I thought you were talking about a pussy cat
Cat needs to learn some defense before she fights Amanda again. She may not come back herself from the next one. This is coming from a Cat fan. It seems Cat's best defense is running right into punches. Even pre-ptsd when her reaction time was still good. The woman still has a lot of technical flaws. Very fun to watch though.
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Yes she did beat Mandy YEARS ago. She was getting her ass whooped then Mandy gassed so durable Cat took over and finished. Since then, their careers have gone completely opposite. Mandy has evolved and Cat has regressed. Her delusional entitlement of deserving a shot because she beat young, pre-ATT Mandy is getting annoying. She's fought only 4 times since that victory over Mandy in 2014 and is 1-4. She should be the last person asking for a shot at this point :rolleyes:

<{vega}> Lol, WMMA.
Honesty I think that fight gave zingano TBI, she hasn’t been the same ever since.
Damn guess guys like Stipe must be a coward since he never gave Struve that rematch. Lmao so stupid
What the hell is wrong with TS and the rest of you filthy Animals ?!?!?!?

This is a Cat thread isn't it ?
