I just see Stipe, Ngannou, Overeem, all smoking Jon

Jones hasn’t signed a fight for a reason. He’s still thinking about going up, which means he’s too scared to, he knows what would happen.

he will ask for an insane amount of money knowing he won’t get it and use it as an excuse to not go up and fight. He will blame Dana...

Yeah he's putting on size so he can compete. Did you expect him to immediately jump into HW without putting in the work he needs to win?
Even though Overeem has alot of mileage on him, stylistically I don't see how he would have trouble dealing with Jon.
I think JDS is a good test for him. Then we can gauge
I agree that Stipe and Francis beat him, but Reem could go either way.

Don't forget that Alistair has a 205 chin inside that HW body. He's been KO'd and TKO'd numerous times by LHWs
Unless he seriously adds some power to his strikes, and gets some better boxing technique, everyone at HW is just going to disrespect him and walk him down like Santos did. Only he won't be able to dance around and score oblique kicks because everyone at HW has a similar length to him. Stylistically I have a tough time seeing Jones crack the top 10 at HW.
With all the doubting going on I would seriously love to see Jones serving some Crow.
I wasn't even that big on him anymore after all the scandals but seeing people hate makes me sympathize with old Bones.
JBJ 2021 HW Champ

Pictogram Bless
Yeah he's putting on size so he can compete. Did you expect him to immediately jump into HW without putting in the work he needs to win?
He can't put on the size without TRT. Every other HW is on the TRT. But he can't take TRT because he's already popped too many times. He's fucked.
Ngannou leaves him in puddle,

Stipe kicks his ass over 5 rounds.

Overeem takes his head off.

Overeem gets knocked out by hard hitting 265 pound men. Jon’s punches won’t hurt him.

It feels like 3 men against a boy.

I actually believe Jon has a path to victory against Stipe, but not much against the other two.

And Stipe is my favorite fighter. Styles make fights can fucking suck sometimes haha.
He beats Stipe. I'm not sure against Reem or Ngannou... I heard Reem use to throw him around at the gym.
I think JDS is a good test for him. Then we can gauge
Prime JDS would be an interesting fight. But now Junior would just freeze against the cage. Jones is too well rounded. I think Struve would be a much better tune-up fight.
What you described is basically Jon Jones's childhood having to deal with brothers who are bigger, A-level NFL athletes

Exactly, that why he didn't fought at heavyweight all those years. Scared... He still didn't fought at heavyweight. If Jones starts to fight en beat real heavyweight than I will be convinced.
Stylistically Jones is a bad matchup for Stipe. But Jones would probably get KO'd by Overeem or Ngannou. Out of the 3 I see Jones beating Stipe.
Lol, Jones owns every heavyweight with ease, possibly with the exception of stipe
Even if he wins you guys will make excuses