I just got my @$$ whooped


White Belt
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
I started BJJ training tonight (after enduring three years of tang soo do) overall it was a good night this is not fairy tale so I am not going to lie to you and say that I tapped everyone but i showed a great deal of heart and at the end of the class a lot of the higher ranking people came over and introduced themselves and I took that as a sign of respect. After getting pulled, cranked and choked for an hour and half. I am gonn be soar as hell tomorrow from the workout and just the overall wear and tear of moving fluid wieght around but, after a feeling like tongight I wouldn't have it any other way.
Stick with it bro, it's an unreal journey.
A journey to the center of the liquid sun.

Good luck on your future training, have fun
Stick with it. You'll love it. I guarantee that much.

It'll be tough, I warn you now. You'll be beaten. Tired. Choked. Injured. Damaged. Bleeding.
And it'll be all worth it.
You will feel like crap never being able to pull off subs, sweeps, nothing, in fact, you'll feel like shit.

But give it awhile, and soon enough, you'll be tapping people left and right just as much as you'll be tapping left and right to those who are always ahead of the curve. The journey never ends. ;)
I've been training for 7 months, and still get choked, subbed, owned by everyone. Deal with it.
dsatt said:
I showed a great deal of heart and at the end of the class a lot of the higher ranking people came over and introduced themselves and I took that as a sign of respect.

Just as long as you know what the difference between "showing a great deal of heart" and "being a pain the ass n00b spaz" is.
Waxwingslain said:
Just as long as you know what the difference between "showing a great deal of heart" and "being a pain the ass n00b spaz" is.

I know the difference I would get tapped out but just keep coming back. My main goal was to not backdown from any of them and let them know that I am not afraid of the pain that being tapped out brings. Because i did not cower at the color of thier belts. I think they respected me for it. They showed me a lot of things, a couple of the other newbeis were getting jealous at the fact that I was getting a lot of attention from the higher ups....... I really look forward to the striking portion I feel I will be a lot more comfortable on my feet due to my back ground and size
i dont know how long you'll last with that kind of mentality
you got to go easier
4 long terms sake
none of this is over night stuff
its a long journy, be patient and good things will flow your way.....and some soreness also
congrats on your 1st class.

i got my shit handed to me day in day out for about a few weeks. nevertheless, i never left the mat feeling like i didnt accomplish anything. i measured sucess in small goals(ie. did i complete this sweep, did i recover to half-guard etc) then my focus shifted to positionally dominating people. now im at a point where im setting up more subs, thinking 2-3 moves ahead....all that to say its a process and its really fun watching it unfold....enjoy the ride.
Keep at it! I'm guessing you're already loving it, but it gets even better man.
You'll get better so the sparring sessions will be better. Which in turn will make it more fun.

Have fun!
dsatt said:
a couple of the other newbeis were getting jealous at the fact that I was getting a lot of attention from the higher ups.......

No disrespect or anything but I found this sentence hilarious. The higher ups aren't gods dude, they're just more experienced. To put them up on a plateau would only mean that you're distancing yourself from their level of skill.
every newbie thinks he comes in and shows great heart and that he is going to be the next phenom.

Really the only thing you showed is.. that you suck..
Its like taking your first step as a baby and then falling down.... eventually youll learn to walk but not if you start out trying to run.
dsatt said:
I know the difference I would get tapped out but just keep coming back. My main goal was to not backdown from any of them and let them know that I am not afraid of the pain that being tapped out brings. Because i did not cower at the color of thier belts. I think they respected me for it. They showed me a lot of things, a couple of the other newbeis were getting jealous at the fact that I was getting a lot of attention from the higher ups....... I really look forward to the striking portion I feel I will be a lot more comfortable on my feet due to my back ground and size

I can see already that you are going to have to learn to get over your own ego. Training in BJJ is not about trying to impress everyone else in the room. It's about making progress, given whatever base line you are starting from. If you don't "leave the ego at the door", you'll one day find yourself avoiding classes or other training partners that you fear might get the best of you.
good stuff man, stick with it and try to be a little less concerned with getting respect. anyway, the real respect comes when you show you're not like 90% of noobs who train for 3-4 months and quit. take it slow, it wont hapen overnight, dont get yourself burnt out if youre really in it for the long run.
yes i can't even count the guys who have came down and said there gonna train 4times a week and then vanish after 2weeks...
Truculent said:
The higher ups aren't gods dude, they're just more experienced. To put them up on a plateau would only mean that you're distancing yourself from their level of skill.
good words.