I hope the girl who was accused of checking out fighters at the weigh ins still has a job

As fans don't we all watch the weigh ins and look at the fighters? Why is she being humiliated for doing the same? It's not like she's doing anything strange or bizarre. She's simply watching a spectacle...
As fans don't we all watch the weigh ins and look at the fighters? Why is she being humiliated for doing the same? It's not like she's doing anything strange or bizarre. She's simply watching a spectacle...
It's not about her looking but rather the way she looks, thirsty as fuck.
It's not about her looking but rather the way she looks, thirsty as fuck.

I don't think this is any different than staff watching a female fighter undress. She doesn't look particular awed or anything in my opinion. Maybe I'm missing it.
Well, from my limited experience I'd say she was ovulating at the time.

This is stupid, ring girls are there for male eye candy, why can't she enjoy the job she has?
I liked this girl, I'd let her goggle me out. And she must be a fireball in bed.
She's got that O face locked down
As fans don't we all watch the weigh ins and look at the fighters? Why is she being humiliated for doing the same? It's not like she's doing anything strange or bizarre. She's simply watching a spectacle...

I think you are misunderstanding this thread, most of us are not trying to humiliate her, but showing her support in our weird way.
Now when icecubiclecunts feminists are making everyone lives miserable its refreshing to see a girl with a healthy appetite, it brightens my day.

Nice, with Lorenzo, Joe, and Bruce staring at Kat like that makes it seem like the beginning of a voyuer porn scene.
man she's classic, they should keep her front and center for every weigh in.
Are you fk'n kidding me? They should give that warm-blooded, confident woman a raise. WTF with firing... Where's DFW? He needs fix this shitz asap.

I respect this woman. See stuff you like... focus on it and it becomes reality. Some major zen-sexual shit there. Somebody is going to be very lucky with that one..

love this post, keep re-reading over and over
i dont get it.
shit, i'd be staring at them too if i were her. no homo.
That was hilarious and entertaining. She deserves a raise, not a pink slip.
I like how she picks and chooses which fighters to get really excited about.

She appeared to be disinterested in young Sage, next thing I know it looks like she poked/touched his back &/or butt

She just needs good and steady D to rest her bug eyes.

If she got fired over relatively subtle admiration (Joe, Bruce, Dana, Lorenzo, the ring card girls are all galaxies worse) that's fucked up and smells of sexism.
Isn't the entire purpose of her job to look at the fighters.
she wasnt accused of checking out fighters,there is proof in video she was having sex with them in her mind.
Wait....did she get fired? Or are you just saying you hope she doesn't get fired?
She's just being a normal woman. RHSG is still the best LOL. I love that chick.
Wtf she looks so sincere and cute, she is just passionate and doing exactly what she is supposed to do. I hope she didn't get in any trouble, it would be bullshit.

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