I have a surgery in 45 minutes.


Life allows the illusion of relativity
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Radical mastoidectomy with choleteatoma removal. Kind of nervous, because since I quit doing drugs a long time ago, I don't handle anesthesia as well. And yes, I thought to post here before a surgery.. This place part of my life lol. Anyways, have a good day, and be good to your kids.
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Good luck

why do I have to be good to my kids cause you might die
Best with the surgery. I don't handle anesthesia well either. Last time I was knocked out I slept for around 24 hours.
Good luck, Sherbro.

I only have one kid I know of and I'll be damned if I track down one I don't know of to be nice to them.
Godspeed sherdog brother, also what the fuck is the surgery about i aint no doctor i dont know what that shit means, hope you get hot nurses
Bon chance . Hope it goes well for you.
See you on the other side. Here's to a successful procedure and speedy recovery.
You'll be fine. I bet you a million dollars (not your estate, just you).
Best of luck to you man and I wish you a speedy and successful recovery.
Hopefully they don't give you a masectomy instead.
im allergic to sodium penathol , did you ask the dcotors if you are? i was sick for liek 3 days after getting my tonsils out, nothing like vomiting every 2 hours or so with cautorized holes in ur throat.