I failed the kumara


Nov 14, 2005
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So a guy is holding me from behind, my arms over his, his arms wrapped around my stomache. I tried and tried to do the Kumara but couldn't! I what angle do I push at to get his grip free? (we're both standing)I tried twisting the wrist also. Can anyone please help me?
control the arm you want to kimura. get your hands in position. push your butt out to create space and push down on his hands. that should be enough to break his grip and then from there you can turn into it and fall into guard or trip him into side
hockeyfacekilla said:
So a guy is holding me from behind, my arms over his, his arms wrapped around my stomache. I tried and tried to do the Kumara but couldn't! I what angle do I push at to get his grip free? (we're both standing)I tried twisting the wrist also. Can anyone please help me?

You aren't going to get a Kimura from that position. It is best to break the grip, and spin around and get the takedown. If you want standing wrist locks, do some TJJ or Aikido.
b0b said:
You aren't going to get a Kimura from that position. It is best to break the grip, and spin around and get the takedown. If you want standing wrist locks, do some TJJ or Aikido.

You sure about that Bob? I gotta disagree on this one. I think there's enough proof available that kimura as a defense from someone trying to take your back standing is a valid counter.

Hockeyfacekilla - You will want to target the hand that is underneath not on top in his grip and bump him back with your hips. If his grip is really strong try to angle off to the side and push down diagonally if you catch my drift. U can use the kimura for a take down al la Karo Parysian or pull gaurd and crank the crap outta his arm...
Rai_Polo said:
You sure about that Bob? I gotta disagree on this one. I think there's enough proof available that kimura as a defense from someone trying to take your back standing is a valid counter.

Hockeyfacekilla - You will want to target the hand that is underneath not on top in his grip and bump him back with your hips. If his grip is really strong try to angle off to the side and push down diagonally if you catch my drift. U can use the kimura for a take down al la Karo Parysian or pull gaurd and crank the crap outta his arm...

I am sure it is possible, but I hate pulling guard trying to get something. The impact of the ground almost always gives them enough space to get out. Also, I would NEVER try something like that on the street. I still think breaking the grip, going for the takedown, and getting dominate position is > than going for a low percentage sub. Especially one that you hardly ever practice. Telling him to crank arms, etc is just going to get one or both of them hurt.
b0b said:
I am sure it is possible, but I hate pulling guard trying to get something. The impact of the ground almost always gives them enough space to get out. Also, I would NEVER try something like that on the street. I still think breaking the grip, going for the takedown, and getting dominate position is > than going for a low percentage sub. Especially one that you hardly ever practice. Telling him to crank arms, etc is just going to get one or both of them hurt.

I think he's talking about the standing kimura like the one Sakuraba applied to Renzo Gracie.
Getting the kimura from standing is alot like setting up the switch in wrestling so I might be able to help. If he is holding tightly you are first going to have to clear some space for your hips to be able to rotate whenre you are facing him.
The best way to do that is get your butt away from his hips... after you have cleared your hips you should then have the space to grab the kimura.

Good luck.
b0b said:
I am sure it is possible, but I hate pulling guard trying to get something. The impact of the ground almost always gives them enough space to get out. Also, I would NEVER try something like that on the street. I still think breaking the grip, going for the takedown, and getting dominate position is > than going for a low percentage sub. Especially one that you hardly ever practice. Telling him to crank arms, etc is just going to get one or both of them hurt.

I feel you. I don't really like pulling gaurd myself, but sometimes those flying subs just look so trick you gotta try one....Self defense tho I think I'd lean towards the Muay Thai defense of breaking the grip, same fashion, and then spinning back elbow to make room and re-start. But I like the take down too, both are applicable.
Rai_Polo said:
I feel you. I don't really like pulling gaurd myself, but sometimes those flying subs just look so trick you gotta try one....Self defense tho I think I'd lean towards the Muay Thai defense of breaking the grip, same fashion, and then spinning back elbow to make room and re-start. But I like the take down too, both are applicable.

As a guy who does practices BJJ and Judo 50/50, I prefer to toss someone around when standing, instead of going to my back. There are about 3-4 high percentage moves from that positition, and I don't think that is one of them, especially from a self defense perspective. Yeah, it looks cool, is fun to practice, but not very likely to go the way you want it. To each his own, I guess.

And there is no way people on an online forum will be able to help and tell him why it failed. Ask a higher belt or your instructor what you did wrong.
You aren't going to get a Kimura from that position. It is best to break the grip, and spin around and get the takedown. If you want standing wrist locks, do some TJJ or Aikido.

How quickly we all forget....

Who is that? Looks like Tito vs Kurt Angler or something? Didn't know they fought... Did the Tito guy just get counted out? Wrasslin sux.
No it's Daniel Puder and Kurt Angle, I thought most people knew about this?

Basically it was an unplanned shoot that embarrised Angle on national TV (could have been worse had it not been for the quick thinking refs in the ring)

There are lots of threads about it if you search.
Terrier said:
No it's Daniel Puder and Kurt Angle, I thought most people knew about this?

Basically it was an unplanned shoot that embarrised Angle on national TV (could have been worse due to quick thinking refs in the ring)

There are lots of threads about it if you search.

Looked like Angle won via pin.
He did, although Puders Sholders clearly wern't down for the three (hence the quick thinking refs). Angle however was stuck in a half guard with a pretty tight Kimura.

Regardless unless there's a 3 count in any grappling torneys you go in for I think you'll be fine.

I was just showing a Kimura counter from someone attempting to take your back - on one of the greatest grapplers alive no less - the fact that it took place on a pro wrestling show means nothing before anyone starts as this was a shoot.

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