"I don't explain Magic" *smerk

You're a judger. The truth is you or I am not his judge and the Bible states this. This is why the Bible says not to judge because you have no idea what he went through as a child, young man at all.

The Bible says:

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

God knows everything and he is the judge. We as Christians are not supposed to judge anything we are to love everyone and be merciful. turn the other cheek. If you're a Christian it's because of people like you who judge so quickly and easily that he hates Christianity. Your mindset is part of what makes a person like Gaahl.

You label him as a misanthrope yet you don't have the compassion to ask yourself why is he a misanthrope. The guy was born into isolation and went to school for 18 years with one other student. It's people like you that judge him that inspires him to hate society. Be humble and try to learn from people. You're judging him and me and you are not our judge. I am a real Christian I love everyone without judgement. This is what Christ admonished us to do. Your problem is you mistake the Bible. The Bible calls us to be witnesses of Christ. A witness shows Christ's love and that love is never demonstrated via judgment... it is demonstrated via trying to learn a situation and never judge. If you're a Christian you are indoctrinated into some wack teachings. If you are unsaved you should not judge spiritual matters you do not understand.
I'm not mad at this sentiment tho
It's definitively NOT proof you simpleton
You're wrong a persons testimony regarding what he or she does and says is indeed proof and will be established in the afterlife. Every word you speak and every action you perform will be testimony against you and others and that is the definition of proof. You just can't see it. This is confirmation of exactly what I said to posters on here.

confirmation = proof

You're wrong a persons testimony regarding what he or she does and says is indeed proof and will be established in the afterlife. Every word you speak and every action you perform will be testimony against you and others and that is the definition of proof. You just can't see it. This is confirmation of exactly what I said to posters on here.

confirmation = proof

you raise an excellent point. eye witness testimony is clearly the most reliable source of truth.
you raise an excellent point. eye witness testimony is clearly the most reliable source of truth.
You're misinterpreting the events. I was having a convo with people on here and talking about witchcraft and they asked questions and I said, "when real witchcraft is performed it is never talked about." To which they answered... "Oh, that's convenient."

So I told myself when I came across someone claiming to perform witchcraft and they refuse to talk about it I'll post the clip. This is all the evidence I have but this is powerful confirmation of exactly what I said to these people and they know who they are.
So anecdotes and no proof? Convenient. Kind of reminds me of one of Randi's more famous debunkings.

You know the charlatan in the first video and that "science guy" are probably in cahoots to disprove real Christianity. For the record when God used me to cast out demons both times I was praying and fasting and both times I received no money. But that probably doesn't matter to you does it? So in your world if one car dealer sells lemons then by default all car dealers sell lemons. Interesting world you live in and shallow.
Sometimes... o_O