i can't squat

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Brown Belt
Aug 21, 2007
Reaction score
so i can't do it. i've never been able to. i can squat down but my heals will not be anywhere near touching the floor, so i'm basically balancing on my toes when i'm in the squatted position. even when i was a little kid in iran i couldn't do it--in iran the toilets aren't like western toilets, you gotta squat down to dump.

anyways, one would think that my calves are short, but me & my bro think it's actually my hams that are abnormally short. + every time i try doing squats, it's my hams that get pulled and start to hurt.

so does anyone know what it could be? squats are the most praised exercise & i'm left out.

cheers boys.
Put 10lb plates under your heels when you squat. The extra little lift should help. Use them until your ankles can move better.
Put 10lb plates under your heels when you squat. The extra little lift should help. Use them until your ankles can move better.
try goodmornings, sldl, gluteham raises, yoga, lunges
So... how much do you squat right now with piss poor form? how far apart are your feet? what have you already tried before coming to the conclusion that you can't squat? what are your top three favorite squatting articles? Have you consulted the FAQ? what does the rest of your routine look like? can you touch your toes with straight legs?
So... how much do you squat right now with piss poor form? how far apart are your feet? what have you already tried before coming to the conclusion that you can't squat? what are your top three favorite squatting articles? Have you consulted the FAQ? what does the rest of your routine look like? can you touch your toes with straight legs?

uhhh didn't you read it? he couldn't take a proper shit on the pakistani toilets
So... how much do you squat right now with piss poor form? how far apart are your feet? what have you already tried before coming to the conclusion that you can't squat? what are your top three favorite squatting articles? Have you consulted the FAQ? what does the rest of your routine look like? can you touch your toes with straight legs?

right sir, i should read up on it, but it's a lil hard to get motivated to read when you can't do it. i know i can't do it.

actually the only thing that helps, is for me to point my toes out to my sides which excludes my calves/ankles and hams, but that puts tons of pressure on my knees.
Buy proper squat shoes. Drill it and Do X. Video tape your form so we can laugh at....I mean help you.
Sure your form is correct? I've seen some people try to squat by going straight down rather than back, and try to keep their back vertical, causing the knees and ankles to compensate.

Also, I'm not sure how far out you point your toes, but pointing your toes out up to around 30degrees is fine, just make sure you keep your knees lined up.
Make sure you are sitting back, and not down. Don't think about bending your knees, think about getting your ass as far back and down as you can. I think its a mental form problem.
You can't not be able to squat because your heels come up if your ankle flexibility is fine. You either have your feet way too close together, your toes are not point out slightly or both. Try doing a PL style squat instead of an Olympic one. Got look up Squatrx on youtube. Also if you don't post a video this is all pointless.
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