I broke my hand walking my dog

Holding a big strong dangerous dogs leash with only 3 fingers sounds like a bad idea from the jump, gotta wrap that shit around your wrist, homie, always be prepared, learned that shit in Webelos

This post.

I had a very aggressive and large Labrador (yes, I know Labs are almost never aggressive), but mine had a mean streak when it came to other dogs. I would tie the leash around my wrist, because he would lunge with everything he had to get at other dogs. I even had to put a muzzle on him.

OP, I'm sorry you broke your hand. You should have let your dog go so it could go "yeet" those stupid teenagers.
I swear fighters get injured in the most bizarre ways.

This is the most bizarre I've heard of since Tony wearing sunglasses inside and tripping over a cord, tearing his ACL, and having to pull out of one of the fights with Khabib.
It's pretty weird. I punch people in the head 5-6 days a week but this is how I break my hand. Everyone in the gym had a laugh about it. Ironically I was also doing a light "recovery week" that week too
This post.

I had a very aggressive and large Labrador (yes, I know Labs are almost never aggressive), but mine had a mean streak when it came to other dogs. I would tie the leash around my wrist, because he would lunge with everything he had to get at other dogs. I even had to put a muzzle on him.

OP, I'm sorry you broke your hand. You should have let your dog go so it could go "yeet" those stupid teenagers.
He's 140 pounds. He's a longer, taller, heavier Akita. I felt confident with the leash slip I use around the torso but lesson learned.
Yeah I'm the one in need of a lesson about dog control, you know, me, the guy with a leash on his dog,

You're the one that's got a broken hand because you couldn't control your dog. It could have just as easily been a squirrel.

The kids were playing with their dog outside a church. If your dog isn't socialized you should have walked around. They were minding their own business until you turned up and started barking orders at them like some sort of Karen.
You're the one that's got a broken hand because you couldn't control your dog. It could have just as easily been a squirrel.

The kids were playing with their dog outside a church. If your dog isn't socialized you should have walked around. They were minding their own business until you turned up and started barking orders at them like some sort of Karen.
"Barking orders at them like some sort of karen" are you fucked in the head kid? I'm giving them notice that is going to save their dog's life. I did go around them. I was in the street walking by not cutting right by them through the church. You're just trying to be as uncharitable and antagonistic as possible because you probably have a personality disorder.
Ouch. Hope you recovery quickly enough, and it doesn't derail your plans. Kudos for not letting it rip apart the kids' dog as well.

My dad's neighbor had a monster Akita. Thing was damn near 5 and a half feet on all fours. I fed it a few times while the neighbor was on vacation and had to pretend I wasn't scared of it. It was cool and never gave me a problem. Thing was weird though. Sometimes, my dad's male pits would get in their yard and try to play with it. It would quickly subdue them and then hump them while they were on their back, and it was a female. I started calling it Gabi Garcia, but no one knew what the hell I was talking about.
Why would someone that lives in town own a LGD? Or any large and/or protective breed? They simply aren’t good around other dogs or people. Its inevitable that something goes bad. I live in the middle of nowhere, with livestock, and still hesitant to have one.
Did you get your Akita from the pound or something? I seen a couple of them but they are always a problem dog that someone adopted from the pound. I always wondered if it is the breed or they just tried to save a broken dog from the pound.
"Barking orders at them like some sort of karen" are you fucked in the head kid? I'm giving them notice that is going to save their dog's life. I did go around them. I was in the street walking by not cutting right by them through the church. You're just trying to be as uncharitable and antagonistic as possible because you probably have a personality disorder.

The onus is on YOU to prevent your dog attacking others. You do that by being in control of your dog, either verbally or physically. Not by hoping a bunch of kids comply with your orders because you think you're some kind of big man.

Absolutely Karen behavior 101.
For a dog that size you need a coke collar, especially if he's not fully mature.

And I guess you should have tightened your grip on the leash as soon as the dog was nearing, but that goes without saying... you just can't trust kids to not be kids.

Sucks your hand got mashed. Get better and I hope there isn't any lingering issues with the healing.
For a dog that size you need a coke collar, especially if he's not fully mature.

And I guess you should have tightened your grip on the leash as soon as the dog was nearing, but that goes without saying... you just can't trust kids to not be kids.

Sucks your hand got mashed. Get better and I hope there isn't any lingering issues with the healing.

He's gonna have to cancel his next few fluffing gigs.