I broke my back a few years ago


Silver Belt
Jun 9, 2005
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Warning: Ancient Thread! Check the date before offering advice...

I had an L1 Transverse Process fracture. Basically I thought I was king shit on a snowboard; I got about 8ft of air, over rotated and landed squarly on my lower back. Hence the fracture. I've been doing nothing but body weight stuff. Before I started Physical Therapy I was dead lifting/squating and doing weighted lunges, but this really aggravated my back (scar tissue, and nerve damage). My Physical Therapist was at a loss for words when I asked him this question so I thought I'd try you guys. Any ideas?
I ain't no doctor or anyone really informed on it, but I think really high rep stuff can help you.

Like bodyweight.

Maybe. I definitely wouldn't lift too heavy with a condition like that.
well... for hips, deadlifts and squats come to mind, however, I don't think I have to tell you that you need to be particularly aware of your situation. Be certain when you're performing any movement that involves your lower back that you stop if there is ANY sharp pain (especially if it's around where your fracture was). Another option may be unilateral work: step-ups, pistols (though they're not particularly hip oriented), lunges, etc. Other posterior chain work like pull throughs may help too.

Now that I think about it, How about sled draging with ankle straps? It's low impact on your back and would be great for your hips. You may want to give it a shot.
Ted-P said:
I ain't no doctor or anyone really informed on it, but I think really high rep stuff can help you.

Like bodyweight.

Maybe. I definitely wouldn't lift too heavy with a condition like that.

My Physical Therapist told me that not using it is worse than using it regarding my hip. He just didn't have much advice on HOW to use it/strengthen it. He's a little fat guy, so I doubt he has any personal experience to draw from. I do yoga religiously to stay limber (my back goes to shit if I don't stay in shape) and I'm still doing lunges and squats w/body weight. I do power cleans w/ about 65 lbs too. It doesn't seem to affect my back much.
I have some lower back issues, but not nearly as severe as yours. Anyway, I did some PT on it, but it still gives me problems. I just ordered a book by Pete Egoscue called Pain Free which a lot of people rave about. I should be getting it this week, I'll let you know what I think of it.
Urban said:
well... for hips, deadlifts and squats come to mind, however, I don't think I have to tell you that you need to be particularly aware of your situation. Be certain when you're performing any movement that involves your lower back that you stop if there is ANY sharp pain (especially if it's around where your fracture was). Another option may be unilateral work: step-ups, pistols (though they're not particularly hip oriented), lunges, etc. Other posterior chain work like pull throughs may help too.

Now that I think about it, How about sled draging with ankle straps? It's low impact on your back and would be great for your hips. You may want to give it a shot.

I've done one legged squats in the past, I'll try those again. The back problem is improving but I think its about as good as its gonna get. It doesn't limit me much unless I sit on my ass too long, then it starts aching. I'm not too worried about a reinjury because the PT and my daily workout has made my lower back stronger than its been in years. My main concern is my hip. I used to coach HS wrestling and a weak hip won't do you any favors on a mat. No need to get pwn3d by a senior.
yeah, give sled dragging a shot. it's good for hips.
Sleding is awesome....To bad Bacon your not in Boston. THe dam snow storms that we have here are great for sleding and pushing cars..haaa
Wild Dan Hibiki said:
leg raises?

I do 40 4-count flutter kicks a few times a week, but my right hip is still "loose". I think I'm going to ease my way back into dead lifts and squats.
You ain't got NOTHING on me

Never said I did. What exactly am I looking at?
bacon said:
Never said I did. What exactly am I looking at?

Hehe, I know I was kidding.

I was snowboarding, like you but I was on the Super Pipe at Northstar (I am sure you know where that is since you are in CA).

I fractured my T1 and T2 and shattered my T4 and T5 which were retrofitted with a Titanium Rod that runs from my T1 / T2 - T6 / T7

I broke my back on March 9th 2003. I am very active now, I do quite a bit of training, although I have not gotten big into BJJ / Grabbling / Wrestling since my accident, pre-accident I did a lot of Wrestling and Greco Roman Wrestling.
I've been to Northstar once. I'm not fond of narrow downhill/ or mogle runs so I'll probably never go back. I broke mine at Boreal of all places. Mine was a hairline fracture, so the soft tissue damage was what really screwed me up. I'm in SoCal now, but Sugar Bowl and Sierra are still my winter destinations. I broke mine in 1998 my second time boarding. As soon as I healed, the first thing I did was buy a board. I'm stubborn like that.

What kind of rehab did you do?
bacon said:
I've been to Northstar once. I'm not fond of narrow downhill/ or mogle runs so I'll probably never go back. I broke mine at Boreal of all places. Mine was a hairline fracture, so the soft tissue damage was what really screwed me up. I'm in SoCal now, but Sugar Bowl and Sierra are still my winter destinations. I broke mine in 1998 my second time boarding. As soon as I healed, the first thing I did was buy a board. I'm stubborn like that.

What kind of rehab did you do?

Shit, I was bed ridden for a month, then did a month of stay at home (mostly on bed, but some walking).

I did exersizes, since mine were thoratic I was a little lucky (wtf, I am lucky.. ).

I just did light shoulder / back exersizes. The last 3 days it's been killing me, hopefully nothing big. I am hoping I can get the damn sticks out LOL.

I still go, the year I broke my back it was my 23rd time up that season :p (18ft half pipe, about 3 ft off the jib and doing a 720 did me WRONG). Luckly I got knocked out on the way down.

Sierra is alright, you got too many noobs. No comment on boreal, although I did break my arm there, and my wrist at suger bowl. I just love northstar, usualy it isn't moguls.
L1 = Lumbar region,
most people will get problems there with old age anyway.

you got to build flexibiity and mobility before you just strengthen it.
weights is too much. especially the amount your doing.
How'd this get bumped? Damn, I just did it again!