I am scrawny


Continues without supporting Sherdog.
Aug 11, 2004
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Today, three co-workers agreed that I was "scrawny". The over-weight guy thinks he can beat me in a running race. I am a pretty good athlete, with decent strength and a good build, but I am always under-estimated in these ways, anyone else get this from people who have no room to talk?
you have a tendency to start shitty threads.

In any event, if you are scrawny, eat more.
Urban said:
you have a tendency to start shitty threads.

In any event, if you are scrawny, eat more.

my threads rock the casbah.

nope, not scrawny.
weight and height? and where do you work? IHOP? cause if that's the case, they're ALWAYS going to think you're scrawny.

i'm 5'5" at a current weight of 165 :)

but in my lighter weight days... i took a page out tito's book of advice.

hand them a time and place... tell them to show up and try to whoop your ass if they are that much stronger.

about 100% never show.

if tubby ass thinks he's faster, meet for a after work "run" ... put up and they will shut up.

problem solved.

***note: balls are required...

*runs out of thread crying*
You probabaly are scrawny then. So am I. Just accept it. Take up marathon runnign and forget about getting bigger because it is never going to happen. On the plus side, you can eat as much as you want while your coworkwers are all on fad diets to cut those annoying extra pounds.
kick them in the jimmy...all of them. then scream real loud.
Ask your pudgy co-workers to stop eating all of the food YOU could be eating.
CarnalSalvation said:
Shut up you pint sized son of a bitch.

meet me in florida, you can come for spring break.
Urban said:
weight and height? and where do you work? IHOP? cause if that's the case, they're ALWAYS going to think you're scrawny.

5'8" 171 , I work for the health department.
you're not THAT scrawny, I suggest you go with the put up or shut up Idea. You could however, gain some weight and it wouldn't hurt you.
Are you really a figure skater? If you are, that would make you scrawny no matter how much you weigh.
Urban said:
you have a tendency to start shitty threads.

In any event, if you are scrawny, eat more.

Eat more frequently, like every 2 hours and don't snack in between. And do something about that personality of yours...i normallly avoid responding/reading your posts altogehter ...i got some Manowar lyrics for you...

...those who laugh
and crowd the path
and cut each others throats
will fall like melting snow