Hurricane Kirk is coming - you heard it here first

From National Hurricane Center @PRIDEWASBETTER

A tropical wave, the remnants of Kirk, is located about 1400 miles
east of the Windward Islands. This system is producing showers and
thunderstorms along with winds to gale force over the northern
portion of the wave. Redevelopment of this system is possible over
the next few days until it encounters highly unfavorable
upper-level winds while it approaches the Caribbean Sea.

So, it's going to be a weak TS until it gets sheered apart.
Ok that was good

Nova Scotia used to be a part of Africa. Thats why we got so much balls.

Clippy blew it. It was just hot air!
I like the clipster, but is it here yet?
Leslie seems confused on which way to go.
Read Hurricane Kick is coming. I thought you were predicting Conor will KO Khabib via Hurricane Kick.