Huge, ripped muscles = cannot be gained naturally


Red Belt
Jul 8, 2015
Reaction score
After Brock Lesnar's failed test and the failed tests of many other MMA fighters, can we all agree that:

1. Huge muscles cannot be gained naturally, without the help of anabolic hormones?

2. If he looks like a duck and walks like a muscular duck, then he's definitely a duck on








"I'm just a jacked white boy. Deal with it."

Seriously, though, if a guy looks like a He-Man figure, yeah, he's probably on steroids.
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Its been confirmed that in the case of Cung Le, it was assumed by some due to the workout pump and lighting, that Cung was juicing, but it was not proven.

Cung is still waiting for an apology from the UFC

All natty bro
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You can get ripped without PEDs, but people are lazy mother fuckers who want an easy out.
Its been confirmed that in the case of Cung Le, it was assumed by some due to the workout pump and lighting, that Cung was juicing, but it was not proven.

Cung is still waiting for an apology from the UFC

All natty bro

Yeah, Cung "Alistair" Le is definitely natural:

We all knew Brock was on the blue boner juice. Also, look the all natural body builder competitions. And Eugene Sandow. It's possible, but it takes a lot of time and hard work and having the right genetics.
"I'm just a jacked while boy. Deal with it."

Seriously, though, if a guy looks like a He-Man figure, yeah, he's probably on steroids.
This. But, lets not forget that there are certain people who have rare genetic gifts. Paul Anderson was able to squat 700 pounds by age 22 before steroids were even invented and got a squat around 1,000 pounds likely naturally. Even in the early days of bodybuilding there were some pretty ripped guys, and thats without great nutrition and training techniques.

That being said, Paul Anderson was far from ripped.
You could have muscle and low BF but if you are training MMA all day doing a bunch of cardio, BJJ, boxing, etc.. You cant maintain that shit.
Yes they can. They just can't be gained while training for MMA which requires cardio more than anything.
You can get ripped without PEDs, but people are lazy mother fuckers who want an easy out.
You can be lean and defined without PED's. You can not be a huge brick shit pile of shredded horse meat without PED's. See the difference?
I often wonder who they modeled those Greek statues after.
Not true.

But ripped like an action figure with good cardio after cutting weight,
yeah they been hitting needles.
We all knew Brock was on the blue boner juice. Also, look the all natural body builder competitions. And Louis Sandol. It's possible, but it takes a lot of time and hard work and having the right genetics.

It's possible to get ripped, not brock lesnar big and ripped. Sandow was like 170lbs.

To be fair you got to add 5+ years... You don't just take PED's and look like a beast.


2 years difference, lol.
2 years using heavy gear and good diet will make you into a beast.