How's your memory?


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
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I didn't know if it's just me but I feel like I can't remember shit nowadays.

And I can't tell if my brain is actually declining, or if I just have too much to keep track of and I've overloaded it or what.

But it seems like several times a week I have people saying to me, "we talked about this, remember?"

And I have no idea what they're talking about. Sometimes I walk away from that conversation and 5 minutes later it hits me and I remember what they were referring to.

Maybe it's age, or the drinking, or lack of sleep...
It's bad. I would mess up sentences and contradict whatever it is I'm talking about a few seconds ago. I think mybshort term memory is fuct. I've noticed it 2 years ago. I don't drink, I sleep well. My parents and relatives are/were sharp as hell.
My personal memory is excellent. I can remember shit from my childhood, HS and college years that friends and family can't. My buddies love to load me with a few beers and get me going about our fun times. My issue is with name recall lately. I can see a name and a face and know all about the person or character and not think of the name. Sometimes it will come to me, other times I need google.
ADHD, always walking into rooms and forgetting why.. I never remember what pocket any of my shit is in either.

I do remember my old phone number from 20 years ago, but don't remember the one i've used for the last 10 years.
ADHD, always walking into rooms and forgetting why.. I never remember what pocket any of my shit is in either.

I do remember my old phone number from 20 years ago, but don't remember the one i've used for the last 10 years.

ADHD gang represent

Yeh its awful.
Really good, but selectively so. I can remember random facts and interactions from decades ago. Hooray for hypervigilance, I guess? Though lately I have had a few of those "wtf was I just doing" moments from time to time.
I wish I could remember people’s names longer than five seconds. It’s one of the nicest things you can do as a human, to remember someone’s name, and my memory is having no part of it.
My memory is pretty sharp.

As a magician, I’ve memorized an entire 52-card deck, which lets me perform some really amazing tricks.

Not only do I know the order, but if you name a number between 1 and 52, I can tell you the card, and vice versa.

I even keep a few decks around set up in the same way I memorized them.

For a few months, I had to go through the stack once a week to keep it fresh in my mind. But now, I can go for months without reviewing it, and when I grab a deck of cards, I can instantly put it into the order of my stack.

For the curious, here is my stack:


(5 of Diamonds is hidden behind the Ace of Clubs)
It’s happening to me , my lead suspects also ago ,drinking & sleep
I can still remember who played left wing for the Chicago Blackhawks in 1992 , but what happened 3 weeks ago might be fuzzy
I didn't know if it's just me but I feel like I can't remember shit nowadays.

And I can't tell if my brain is actually declining, or if I just have too much to keep track of and I've overloaded it or what.

But it seems like several times a week I have people saying to me, "we talked about this, remember?"

And I have no idea what they're talking about. Sometimes I walk away from that conversation and 5 minutes later it hits me and I remember what they were referring to.

Maybe it's age, or the drinking, or lack of sleep...
I don't want to sound like a dick but this it the third time you have made this thread in less than a week...
My memories are not as vivid as it used to be. Before, I used to remember things clearly like film but now they are like faded still pictures
Long term, I feel like I'm still on the ball but short term... it's garbage. Drug use as a kid, punches to the head and maybe a little bit of ADHD, I'm not sure but it's hard for me to remember anything I did last week.