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how would u react when marvel puts to much gender mainstream policity in their movies?

Were talking about characters that can lift hundreds of tons. Somebody being shredded doesn't really make that more believable.

"Oh he's a MAN and he's BUFF, that explains how he could pick up that building"

If Superman isn't Jacked, he's not Superman. It's that simple. Just like a short, fat girl is never going to play Wonder Woman, and a fat guy is never going to be the Flash. Some tropes are set in stone.
If Superman isn't Jacked, he's not Superman. It's that simple.
i don't know what to say about that honestly.

If the physical size difference between a jacked Superman and a non jacked one is what is needed for you to buy into supeman being able to punch a planet into dust then I have to accept that, for you. For me that feat has zero to do with how big his muscles are in relation to other jacked humans I know. The only way I can suspend belief for that is based on understanding he has some other worldly power he is drawing on. Thus why Supergirl. Superboy and superdog and all sorts of other iterations could also do amazing feats not related to their size or level of jackedness. But to each their own, I guess.

let me ask you this question. If we had a more normal looking Kryptonian on Earth who could also punch and destroy a planet but maybe was just slightly weaker than Superman would you reject it as un-plausible because he was not jacked, even though he had the same kryptonian origin??? We have seen that with other Asgardian's on earth who have no where near the physique of Thor and yet are super powered.

I'm still wondering if MCU Asgardian civilians have enhanced strength at all. We haven't seen any of that yet. Would be cool to see some old Asgardian fart stronger then Earth's power lifters lol.
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Superhero movies have that built in 'REASON' for why a man, woman or child, or Raccoon can pull off these huge feats.

I've said it before that Superhero movies took off largely as Action Movies just had no where else to go generally. The feats that Bruce Willis (Diehard) and so many other actions hero's were pulling off had gone into the absurd and fans, like myself, were starting to get pulled out of the action as you said 'wtf' to an otherwise normal human pulling that shit off. We liked the increasing action scenes getting bigger and bigger but we needed (i needed) a reason as to how these men, women, children were doing those feats.

Enter the Superhero genre. Action can now be ramped up to infinite levels and a reason can be given to suspend relief.

The main reason women struggle comparatively to men (Atomic Blonde V Wick) outside the movie being inferior is not the level of jackedness but just the comparative lack of skill to do the moves and make them look real. All the manlet action stars can look as believable as some giant ones because they have the skill to do visually pleasing moves. If women can do the moves at the level of a prime Jet Li, then most people (I assume) are ok suspending belief and going on that journey regardless of the level of jackedness or gender.
It's weird, b/c i think people/studios turned to Superheros b/c well A) profits, and B) as you alluded, normal action movies were getting increasingly ridiculous with the CGI, jump cuts, and rapid editing completely taking away from a sense of realism or danger.....The Transporter used to be the bar for 'ridiculous action' but then Drive Angry, Punisher War Zone, and clearly the latter F and F movies jumped that megaladon with absurd ease.

and then virtually all superhero movies besides literally Blade 1 and 2 all do the same things, mainly b/c superhero effects are hard to do w/ natural stunts, but people don't care as much and still go see them.....People w/ a straight face love the fight scenes in CA: WS and A: CV, which is more an indictment of the normal level fans see

Meanwhile regular action movies have lost all art in cinematography and choreography outside of the random John Hyams or Isaac Florentine Scott Adkins vehicle, John Wick, and Raid: Redemption. That could also have to do w/ action stars being real actors now, and not just TMA guys/stuntment promoted to leading stars, so they can't actually do the Jackie Chan wide establishing shots, long take scenes that truly show off realistic action

If anything Scott Adkins playing Mads Mikkelson's henchmen in Dr. Strange, yet never showing how good he is at martial arts, just proves this pt entirely......
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I think there is an important difference between an actor that does a good job and makes an enjoyable performance, and an actor that does a good job at becoming the character they are playing
Jackman did a good job, but he did a good job in his version of Wolverine. As Gadot is doing a good acting job playing her version of WW. But neither has been Ryan Reynolds/Deadpool, or RDJ/Ironman good at BEING their character.

A lot of the pre MCU movies and DC movies are just characters based on the comics. More effort has been put into the costume than the actual character

To be fair RDJ and RR were quite literally born to play those roles. In the case of the likes of Wonder Woman I can't for the life of me think of any relatively well known actress who could play her and also just happens to be built like a true Amazonian goddess. Gadot got herself in pretty good nick and she looks more than fine for the part, also considering WW is no mere mortal human being I can easily suspend my disbelief and buy her ass kicking exploits.

Of course for guys playing superhero roles the job is made much easier by the fact that they can (and clearly do) get juiced to the gills to look the part, I'm not saying woman couldn't do the same but it would seem to be a step further than most would be willing to go or be expected to do.
I dont care as long as she is played well. Brie's got this. I just worry about the false message that people are going to misinterpret from this is that "only a woman can keep these people in line" type of mindset. That's how a lot of people i know are taking these types of characters, and its annoying.
I dont care as long as she is played well. Brie's got this. I just worry about the false message that people are going to misinterpret from this is that "only a woman can keep these people in line" type of mindset. That's how a lot of people i know are taking these types of characters, and its annoying.

I don't care as long as she looks hot. The only thing that worries me about the Ms Marvel movie is the costume covers up her puppies.
...the false message that people are going to misinterpret from this is that "only a woman can keep these people in line" type of mindset. That's how a lot of people i know are taking these types of characters, and its annoying.

I wish those thoughts would fuck off back to Africa. The frustrating part is "trying to figure out" whether detractors are being serious or trolling. I'm not sure which option looks worse because why would anyone want to look like that.

To be fair RDJ and RR were quite literally born to play those roles. In the case of the likes of Wonder Woman I can't for the life of me think of any relatively well known actress who could play her and also just happens to be built like a true Amazonian goddess. Gadot got herself in pretty good nick and she looks more than fine for the part, also considering WW is no mere mortal human being I can easily suspend my disbelief and buy her ass kicking exploits.

Of course for guys playing superhero roles the job is made much easier by the fact that they can (and clearly do) get juiced to the gills to look the part, I'm not saying woman couldn't do the same but it would seem to be a step further than most would be willing to go or be expected to do.
I think most of Marvel's movies have got excellent casting. I think Chris Pratt is a great Starlord, Bradley Cooper is a great Rocket, Evans is a great Captain, etc etc..they go beyond doing a good acting job, they ARE those characters .
Gal does a good job, but Wonder Woman is an icon. And it's not just the physical, it's also the presence. I have no issue with a female superhuman tossing around guys, but Gal just feels like more CGI than anything else. But i do like her
I do think women should be getting just as ripped as the dudes for these hero parts. Whether it makes sense or not, people want to see vikings and valkyries wrecking people ---not some girl that looks like a runway model

As far as the type of girl i would like...Bobbie Draper from the TV show The Expanse has the physical build and presence/toughness of what I think Wonder Woman should have
Yeah, but she skipped face day. Wanda Lei Silva in the house yo.
To be fair RDJ and RR were quite literally born to play those roles. In the case of the likes of Wonder Woman I can't for the life of me think of any relatively well known actress who could play her and also just happens to be built like a true Amazonian goddess. Gadot got herself in pretty good nick and she looks more than fine for the part, also considering WW is no mere mortal human being I can easily suspend my disbelief and buy her ass kicking exploits.

Of course for guys playing superhero roles the job is made much easier by the fact that they can (and clearly do) get juiced to the gills to look the part, I'm not saying woman couldn't do the same but it would seem to be a step further than most would be willing to go or be expected to do.
Women could take roids and get jacked but the problem is guys also want the woman to be ultimate in feminine as well and no one wants to see this...

If Superman isn't Jacked, he's not Superman. It's that simple. Just like a short, fat girl is never going to play Wonder Woman, and a fat guy is never going to be the Flash. Some tropes are set in stone.
But just about every male comic character is jacked, and every female character hot with big tits. It's more a trope of comic character design than anything to do with actual power set. Usually the only exception are certain joke characters or villains. Guys like Cyclops, Bishop, Magneto, Cable, green lantern, etc. are all jacked, and their powers have absolutely nothing to do with strength.
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Also people are STILL acting as if WW is super muscular in the comics. No.




She has bigger boobs, since most female characters are rocking at least a C cup, but she's not commonly drawn or animated as being super shredded. Both male and female characters are typically depicted as more attractive than usual, as in most fictional works. That means shredded guys and women with big tits, narrow waists, and thick thighs and possibly dat ass depending on the artist. Relatively few women, even those with super strength, are depicted as being buff. Because that isn't an attractive appearance for women. These characters are designed with attractiveness in mind, based on gender norms. Not practicality or realism.
I'm still wondering if MCU Asgardian civilians have enhanced strength at all. We haven't seen any of that yet. Would be cool to see some old Asgardian fart stronger then Earth's power lifters lol.

Asgarian civilians do have enhanced strength, so they would destroy any normal dude on earth