How would Jones have done against these former LHW Champs?

He beats Forest and Randy all day long. I give prime Chuck a punchers chance but Jones takes it 8 out of 10 times.
Same as most, Randy and Forrest get stomped, Chuck would make a fight out of it and push Jones to the championship rounds
Just like all of his fights Jones should lose by DQ for eye gouging.
I wondered before about him vs Forrest who presents a different look for Jojes due to his height and reach.

Realistically, Forrest was an overachiever and more dangerous for the guys who didn't see him coming.
He could gve Jones trouble with his hands, but he can't keep the fight on the feet. Jones via gnp (possible spinning shit to casluse the fight to hit the ground)

Chuck likely handles his knee kicks fine. All Jones presents is the threat of a takedown, possible spinning shit, and, most of all, a threat of a karmic eyepoke.
Prime Chuck had a solid chin and wouldn't be seriosly hurt by Jones's hands. Probably not spinning shit either. He was a guy who knocked out people who'd never been KO'd before. Jones has a solid chin. Not sure which one holds up. If Jones can't get him to the ground, he loses. The fact that he likely wouldn't respect Jones's hands makes it harder to set up a takedown. Mayne Jones manages to clinch and slow him down with gnp. Maybe his long arms come in handy and he snatches a leg or two. Maybe CHUCK lands an eyepoke as Jones tries to clinch. I think this is a tossup because of the way they matchup (although one may easily neutralize the other's strength in a way that should've seemed obvious). I lean towards the Eyesman, though.

Randy... his wrestling is on a different level. Jones very possibly could have reached a similar level had he continued to develop his wrestling skills. Jones true level of wrestling is intereting to question because he didn't go on to the D1 level, but I believe was a JuCo champ - making it really hard to determine how strong of a wrestler he would be in his final form. His length makes it a challenge to take him down. His ability to wrestle greco also is a wildcard against Randy. I think Randy is the better boxer, but that, dirty boxing, and the occasional knee is basically his standup game in a nutshell. Jones presents a challenge on the feet due to his length, unothordox attacks, eyepokes... and at the same time, he's not a guy Randy would want to be underneath. Either is capable of taking the other down which would be serious bad news forthe other. Jones has the ability to sto the fight abruptly with an elbow or two from the top. Randy isn't as deadly, but can wear a guy down and beat him up pretty well from the top.
I wanna say Randy by dec. But Jones could stop him on the ground. A kick to the body could also do it. Maybe harder to predict than Jones/Chuck. Jones doing whatever he was doing at his peak seems to have put him on a higher level than the past champs. W/out any help fom Xyience Black Label, maybe he doesn't look like as much of a prodigy,

Pardon the ramble/typos. I'm basically sleep posting.
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Prime Chuck would give non-ped Jones a hard time.
Without PEDs? Its hard to tell, we have to see Jones fighting without PEDs once to see if he is a top5-top10 level fighter or not.

You never watched him fight? Good, go do so.
Prime Chuck doesn't let Jones near him and keeps the distance and annoys Jones and takes the decision.

Jones kills all else.
The Couture that beat Liddell beats the shit out of Jones and finishes him
Those would all be very interesting fights. Forrest was afraid of him though. At least I think so, haha.

@76Knockout can confirm? :p
Yeah he said something like "I hope I'm not fighting Jon Bones Jones" on a radio show lol. He was coming off injury and wasn't sure who the UFC wanted him to fight. It was hilarious.

Forrest at his best 07/08 would be competitive for a round or two then prolly get tko'd.
he would have beaten all of them, only prime Randy would have been competitive
Jones by massacre, none of them make it out of the 1st round.
prime chuck with his iron chin would KO jones.